Sunday, 10 October 2010

france: gare au retour de manivelle


Crise: 10.000 soldats mobilisables


En cas de crise majeure, l'armée peut engager 10.000 hommes sur le territoire national, selon une instruction interministérielle rendue publique au moment où sort un livre dont l'auteur assure que "l'Etat prépare la guerre dans les cités françaises". L'existence de ce texte, daté du 3 mai 2010, et dont l'ouvrage ne fait pas spécifiquement mention, est révélée dans le dernier numéro d'Armées d'aujourd'hui, une des publications officielles du ministère de la Défense.

Cette instruction a été rédigée, avec le concours des ministères de l'Intérieur et de la Défense, par le Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale (SGDSN). Ce service du premier ministre a confirmé à l'AFP l'existence de ce texte en précisant qu'il était classifié "confidentiel défense". Le SGDSN est notamment chargé de la planification des plans de réponses aux crises : plan Vigipirate et ceux de la famille "Pirate" (Piratair, Pirate-mer, NRBC ...).

En cas de crise, cette instruction, qui découle du Livre blanc (2008) énumérant les priorités stratégiques de la France pour les quinze années à venir, fixe ainsi le "contrat opérationnel 10.000 hommes" que les armées doivent pouvoir déployer en quelques jours. Interrogé par Armées d'aujourd'hui, le préfet François Lucas, alors directeur de la protection et de la sécurité de l'Etat au SGDSN, a défini une crise majeure comme "un évènement - pandémie, attaque terroriste, catastrophe, crise d'ordre public - dont la gravité et la portée conduisent les autorités gouvernementales à activer le dispositif interministériel de crise".

Les trois armées (terre, air, mer) interviennent déjà lors de catastrophes naturelles (inondations, tempêtes ...) pour épauler les services de secours civils, pour assurer en permanence la "police du ciel", les missions de l'Etat en mer ou renforcer, depuis la fin des années 90, les effectifs de police et de gendarmerie dans le cadre de Vigipirate.

Dans "Opérations banlieues, comment l'Etat prépare la guerre urbaine dans les cités françaises" (éditions La Découverte, jeudi dans les librairies), Hacène Belmessous, présenté comme "journaliste et chercheur indépendant", est beaucoup plus direct. L'auteur assure notamment que les opérations de rénovation urbaine visent à faciliter les interventions policières, voire militaires, à venir dans les quartiers difficiles.

Selon lui, le "contrat 10.000 hommes", dont il dit avoir eu connaissance au mois de juin sans pour autant citer le texte du 3 mai, vise "un seul territoire qui absorbe l'entière attention de Nicolas Sarkozy depuis les émeutes de l'automne 2005 : les quartiers sensibles". Dans ce livre brûlot, l'auteur va jusqu'à dénoncer une "inquiétante dérive vers la préparation d'une guerre totale contre les territoires perdus de la République".

"Notre société ressemble de plus en plus à celle de l'Ancien Régime"

Le Monde

Banquier d'affaires chez Rothschild, ancienne plume de Jean-Pierre Raffarin à Matignon, Hakim El Karoui, 39 ans, fait partie des nouvelles élites françaises. Il publie Réinventer l'0ccident. Essai sur une crise économique et culturelle (Flammarion, 17 euros, 241 pages, à paraître le 13 octobre), dans lequel il analyse ce qu'il appelle "la désoccidentalisation" du monde. Dans l'entretien qu'il a accordé au Monde, il analyse les peurs de la société française, sans verser dans le pessimisme. Extraits

Par quoi les classes moyennes se sentent-elles fragilisées ?

Par l'organisation actuelle de la mondialisation qui ne leur laisse pas de place. Depuis 20 ans, nous assistons à une polarisation sociale extrêmement forte : de plus en plus de riches, de plus en plus de pauvres et de plus en plus de gens qui ont le sentiment d'être en voie de déclassement social. Dans la mondialisation il y a des gagnants – ceux dont la compétence est de niveau mondial – et des perdants – ceux qui n'ont plus leur place dans les nouveaux processus de production. On essaye de les gérer mais c'est difficile….

La crise économique aggrave-t-elle ces phénomènes ?

Oui, parce qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une crise financière, comme on voudrait le laisser penser. L'origine de la crise se trouve dans l'endettement excessif des ménages américains et européens. Pendant des années, on a remplacé les salaires par l'endettement – public ou privé, selon les pays.

Ce système a explosé avec la crise et il faut donc s'attendre à ce qu'en Occident les classes moyennes et populaires expérimentent une baisse inédite de leur niveau de vie. Or, tant que les gouvernements européens n'auront pas trouvé les moyens de relancer les salaires, ils seront tentés de trouver dans le populisme, de droite ou de gauche, la justification de leur existence. A droite, on joue sur la xénophobie ; à gauche, sur la haine des patrons présentés comme des voyous.

Vous comparez la France actuelle à la société d'Ancien Régime. Pourquoi ?

Nous ne sommes pas dans une société pyramidale comparable à celles des pays émergents. Mais notre société ressemble effectivement de plus en plus à celle de l'Ancien régime avec une base très large, une petite élite et une masse assez importante de personnes – des avocats, des médecins à honoraires libres, des professionnels des loisirs… – qui travaillent pour la petite élite au sommet.

Le reste de la société est entraînée vers les emplois de service peu qualifiés payés 40 % de moins que les emplois industriels. Qui occupera ces emplois de services ? Les plus fragiles, femmes, jeunes et enfants d'immigrés.

Dans ce contexte difficile, le système français d'intégration des immigrés fonctionne-t-il ?

Oui, je le crois, malgré les apparences. Nous n'intégrons pas les immigrés, nous les assimilons. Du coup, plus le système fonctionne, plus les différences s'estompent parce que les immigrés sont devenus des Français comme les autres. Ce modèle crée de l'anxiété parce qu'on voit toujours ce qui va mal et jamais ce qui fonctionne. Or, lorsqu'on observe globalement les populations issues de l'immigration, on se rend compte qu'en termes de réussite scolaire, de mariages mixtes, de comportements démographiques, de progression sociale, les évolutions sont positives.

texte complet

Hakim El Karoui, 35 ans, ancien élève de l’ENS et agrégé de géographie, a été la plume de Jean-Pierre Raffarin avant d’être chargé de la prospective à Bercy jusqu’en août 2006. Il est membre du Conseil scientifique de la Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration. Il a créé le Club XXIe Siècle, qu’il préside.

Propos recueillis par Luc Bronner et Cécile Prieur

September 16, 2010

Sarkozy alienates French intelligence services

By courtesy of Wayne Madsen

WMR's informed French sources report that French President Nicolas Sarkozy has incurred the ire of the chief of France's foreign intelligence services, Erard Corbin de Mangoux of the General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) who has quietly made it clear that they are supporting Sarkozy's bitter rival, Dominique de Villepin, to be the next President of France. In 2008, Sarkozy combined the Renseignements Généraux (RG) and the Department of Surveillance of the Territory (DST) internal security agencies to form the Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence (DCRI).

Sarkozy placed his friend, Bernard Squarcini, in charge of the new super-agency. Known as "the Shark," the Rabat. Morocco-born Squarcini has beefed up the surveillance of Muslims in France. Last March, Squarcini said his agency broke up a planned terrorist attack on an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) fundraising event in Paris. Squarcini has also increased the sharing of French intelligence with Israel. Earlier this week, Squarcini hyped up a false aarm bomb threat against the Eiffel Tower, hours after the French Senate voted to ban the wearing of the burqa in France.

In April, Squarcini admitted using French intelligence to track down the sources of rumors of marital problems between Sarkozy and French First Lady Carla Bruni that began to appear in the European media. French intelligence agents reportedly tapped the cell phone calls of a number of French government and European Union officials.

Sarkozy decided to clip the wings of the RG because he suspected RG agents of providing criminal investigation evidence to his political rival de Villepin that Sarkozy contends was part of a smear campaign. Sarkozy later brought criminal charges against de Villepin but they were dismissed. The chief charge was that de Villepin conspired to smear Sarkozy by leaking false documents showing Sarkozy received foreign bribes through a Luxembourg banking entity known as Clearstream, which has been linked to money laundering by the Russian-Israeli Mafia, including exiled Russian Jewish oligarchs living in Britain, the United States, and Israel.

The anti-de Villepin media in France hyped the fact that the Clearstream documents were forgeries. WMR has learned from French intelligence sources that the original Clearstream documents that showed Sarkozy has received illegal foreign payments were, in fact, authentic. Sarkozy allies went to work to remove certain information and enter false information in a later version of the documents that were used to show how Sarkozy was a victim of a smear campaign based on forgeries.

Some press reports suggested that Sarkozy's name was added to the Clearstream list of politicians who maintained secret bank accounts in Clearstream. In fact, Sarkozy's name was on the original Clearstream spread sheet audit records but data associated with Sarkozy and Sarkozy's mentor, Prime Minister Edouard Balladur, were cleverly altered by agents who had long been grooming Sarkozy for the top job in France: President of the Republic.

The culprits who took the original Clearstream documents and forged them are reported to have been working for the Israeli Mossad. The French media has reported that documents that surfaced in 2007 show that Sarkozy was, and may still be, and agent for the Mossad. Sarkozy reportedly was recruited in 1978 when Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin ordered the Mossad to penetrate the Gaullist Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UPM). Sarkozy became a rising star in the UPM, having served as mayor of the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, the home to many wealthy French Jews.

In 1993, Sarkozy, the Budget Minister and Neuilly-sur-Seine mayor, was propelled on to the national stage when a mentally unstable man claiming to be wearing an explosive belt and waving a pistol took a number of children and their teacher hostage in a classroom in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Sarkozy walked unarmed into the classroom and negotiated for the release of 15 of the 21 children. The hostage taker, Eric Schmitt, who was born in French-controlled Algeria, was shot in the head three times by French police sharpshooters after he briefly fell asleep. He had on his person papers bearing the words "Human Bomb." Some French intelligence sources now believe that the hostage taking event was staged as a method of increasing Sarkozy's popularity in order to set the stage for a run for higher office.

Sarkozy first attempted to gain access to national politics by dating the daughter of Paris's UMP Mayor Jacques Chirac, who would eventually become French President. Although marriage into the Chirac family was not in the offing for Sarkozy, his relationship with Chirac, the mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine's neighboring larger city, grew closer. Sarkozy went on to hold the post of Interior Minister during Chirac's presidency and he antagonized Muslims by calling alleged Muslim rioters "scum." French Muslims responded by calling Sarkozy "sale juif" or "dirty Jew." Sarkozy is believed to have been behind many of the arson attacks that swept through France in 2005 in order to show how tough he could be with rioters and arsonists. The scheme worked and Sarkozy was elected President in 2007 as a "law and order" man.

It was while mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine that Sarkozy is reported to have first started receiving bribes, via Clearstream, from a sweetheart naval frigate deal between French defense contractor Thomson-CSF, now known as Thales, and the Taiwanese Navy. The French bank Societe Generale, also arranged for bribes to be paid to top Taiwanese government officials. The cost of the French frigates was inflated in a scheme to plow some of the payments back into the pockets of French and Taiwanese politicians in the form of "commissions." The commissions, which were forbidden by the contract with Taiwan, were reported to have been huge amounts of money.

Taiwanese prosecutors first discovered the Clearstream involvement in 2001 when an examination of Taiwanese politicians' foreign accounts into which bribes were paid by Thompson-CSF, discovered them to be deposited in banks in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Jersey, Cayman Islands, and, more importantly, Luxembourg.

When initial news of the Taiwan and Clearstream affair was first about to break in 1993, Sarkozy, groomed by the Mossad, was threatened with exposure and the end of his political career at an early stage. Sarkozy had to be protected at all costs from those who had knowledge of the illegal payments and might be prepared to talk. Mossad "wet affairs" teams went to work. The director of Taiwan's naval procurement office, Captain Yin Ching-Feng had discovered the over-charging by Thomson and was prepared to go public with the evidence. However, Yin's body was found floating in the sea in the Taiwan Straits by fishermen and Taiwan police later concluded he had been murdered by a sharp blow to the head or neck. In 1996, Yin's nephew, Yang Yi-li, who was investigating the murder of his uncle, was himself found murdered in Canada.

The trail of murders moved to France. On October 10, 2000, Thierry Imbot, a French intelligence agent, was thrown from a fourth-floor window in Paris. Imbot was assigned to Taiwan to monitor the frigate contract. Imbot's father was retired General Rene Imbot, former chief of the DGSE. Retired French Navy Captain Jean-Claude Albessard, who was also part of the Taiwan contract, died from a fast-acting cancer in Japan. In 2001, Jacques Morrison, a Thomson official who worked on the Taiwan deal, fell to his death from a fifth-floor apartment window in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Sarkozy's old home town.

De Villepin, a former foreign minister, has been assured of support from the French diplomatic corps but the intelligence service chiefs considered it a long-shot for de Villepin to beat out other candidates who are eager to challenge Sarkozy. However, with Sarkozy's poll numbers plummeting to new depths over outrage over pension reform, expulsion of the Roma, and antagonizing French Muslims over the burqa ban, the DGSE chief now regards de Villepin as a viable contender to replace Sarkozy. But there is an added twist, WMR has learned that DCRI chief Squarcini, Sarkozy's long-time confidant, has grown tired of the impetuousness of the French president and his misuse of the intelligence services for personal reasons. Sarkozy has threatened to hang de Villeoin on a butcher's hook.

Squarcini, we are told, has decided to signal to de Villepin, who has called Sarkozy a "dwarf" and a "midget," that he is ready to quietly assist with the presidential aspirations of de Villepin, Sarkozy's most hated enemy. And to make matters worse for Sarkozy, his wife, Carla Bruni, was reported to be smitten with de Villepin and in April there were reports of secret trysts between the two.

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