Tuesday, 28 September 2010

gladio implique dans un attentat contre turgut ozal


source: reseau Voltaire

28 septembre 2010

L’OTAN a t-elle tenté d’assassiner le président turc Turgut Özal ?

Ahmet Özal, fils de l’ancien président turc Turgut Özal (1927-1993), a déposé plainte contre le général Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu, ancien secrétaire général du Conseil turc de sécurité nationale et ancien commandant du Département des opérations spéciales.

M. Özal accuse le général Yirmibeşoğlu d’avoir organisé, le 18 juin 1988, une tentative d’assassinat de son père qui était alors Premier ministre.

Depuis plusieurs années la rumeur s’est répandue que le président Özal ne serait pas mort d’une crise cardiaque, le 17 avril 1993, mais aurait été assassiné par le Gladio, c’est-à-dire des agents turcs opérant pour le compte de l’OTAN.

Le général Yirmibeşoğlu a démenti les accusations dont il fait l’objet. Cependant, répondant aux questions de la presse, il a admis que son service menait des opérations secrètes incluant de graves manipulations. Par inadvertance, il a reconnu avoir fait brûler une mosquée à Chypre, en 1974, pour manipuler les Chypriotes turcs (majoritairement musulmans) et les dresser contre leurs compatriotes Chypriotes grecs (majoritairement orthodoxes).

Le général Yirmibeşoğlu avait déjà reconnu que son service était impliqué dans les émeutes des 6 et 7 septembre 1955. A l’époque ses agents, travaillant sous l’autorité du Gladio, perpétrèrent un attentat contre le musée consacré à Mustafa Kemal à Thessalonique (Grèce). Ce sacrilège suscita la colère d’extrémistes turcs qui s’en prirent aux Grecs d’Istanbul et d’Izmir. Les pogroms firent 16 morts et 32 blessés graves ; environ 200 femmes furent violées.

Le président Turgut Özal était partisan d’une politique étrangère eurasiste qui préfigure l’actuelle politique néo-ottomane. Durant 50 ans, le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis, via le Gladio, n’ont cessé d’organiser des attentats sous fausse bannière pour dresser leurs alliés grecs et turcs les uns contre les autres et les affaiblir.


updated 29 September 2010

Did NATO attempt to assassinate Turkish President Turgut Özal?

Ahmet Özal, son of former Turkish president Turgut Özal (1927-1993), registered a complaint against General Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu, former secretary-general of the National Security Council and Commander of the Special War Department.

M. Özal has accused General Yirmibeşoğlu of having conducted an assassination attempt, on 18 June 1988, on the life of his father who was Prime Minister at the time.

For many years, the rumor has circulated that President Özal did not die of a heart attack on 17 April 1993, but was assassinated by Gladio; that is to say, Turkish agents operating under NATO’s orders.

General Yirmibeşoğlu denied the accusation. However, in responding to the press, he acknowledged that his services had taken part in covert operations, including some grievous manipulations. He inadvertently confessed to having ordered the burning of a mosque in Cyprus, in 1974, to manipulate the Turkish Cypriots (mainly Muslim) and pit them against their Greek orthodox compatriots.

The retired general had already admitted that his services were implicated in the 6-7 September 1955 riots in Istanbul. His agents, acting under the authority of Gladio, perpetrated an attack against the museum dedicated to Mustafa Kemal in Thessalonica, Greece. The attack, perceived as a sacrilege, inflamed Turkish extremists who took it out on the Greek communities in Istanbul and Izmir. The progroms claimed 16 lives and left 32 people seriously injured; some 200 women were sexually assaulted.

President Turgut Özal advocated a eurasist foreign policy that foreshadowed the neo-ottoman policy currently in place. For fifty years the United Kingdom and the United States have used Gladio to systematically orchestrate false-flag attacks to set up their Greek and Turkish allies against each other in order to weaken them.

ergenekon "stay behind" in many countries

Prime Minister Turgut Ozal, the leader of the Motherland Party, from which many AKP leaders began their political careers, narrowly survived an assassination attempt by a Gladio assassin on June 8, 1988. A shooter narrowly missed Ozal's head but he was struck in the finger. The assassination attempt was linked to the head of the Ergenekon nest, the National Security Council. Ozal became President of Turkey in 1989. Ozal died of a suspicious heart attack on 17 April 1993. Ozal's wife Semra, claimed Ozal was poisoned by lemonade. There was no autopsy and blood samples taken from his body disappeared.

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