We Win
By Barry Chamish
One week before Nov. 4, the tenth anniversary of the Rabin murder, the country's largest circulation newspaper, Yediot Achronot publishes a poll:
Do you believe in the conspiracy theory about Rabin's murder?
Yes 25% Not sure 9%
It was the lowest result of five polls taken in the past four years but it shocked the nation. As Yediot wrote; "Unbelievable, but one in four Israelis believe Rabin was shot by the Shabak." In fact, the figure was more. Yediot's poll included 20% Arab respondents, who are utterly unaware of the issue. Factor them in with the not sures and over 40% of the nation's Jews no longer believe the government.
Sunday, five days before Nov. 4, Yigal Amir's prosecutor Pnina Guy admits the second shot to Rabin was from point blank range, a fact I exposed almost a decade before. Still, it is redemption for me. Since Amir never shot point blank, he announced that he wanted a new trial: Yigal Amir, who never denied assassinating Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, is now strongly considering requesting a new trial - now that the case prosecutor has raised some major questions herself. Atty. Penina Guy, the prosecutor in Amir's trial in early 1996, said Sunday morning that some aspects of the murder are still not clear to her: "It's still a mystery to me how he managed to shoot three bullets and at the same time even approach Rabin, and, according to the ballistic evidence, actually touch Rabin's jacket for the third bullet."
However, Amir himself was surprised by the end of Prosecutor Guy's statement. According to his wife, Larissa Trimbobler, Yigal was surprised to hear that the murderer came as near as Rabin's jacket. "Yigal has always said that this is not true," she told Arutz-7 today. "He did not approach Rabin; rather, Rabin got further and further away from him. Yigal also says that he certainly never touched Rabin or his jacket."
However, it was not a day before Amir's webmaster and handler Mike Guzovsky changed this stance to one of ugly incitement. Now, according to Amir's Shabak-run website, anyone who was in favor of disengagement, also deserved to be slaughtered.The Amir issue was ended, but not before Shimon Peres used it for maximum advantage:
Yigal Amirís mother said: ëThose who were in favor of the disengagement should be hung in the streets. What rubbish! Who is she? And who are the hilltop youth? And rabbis give orders to the army? Who appointed them? On this issue, we must be the most blunt, determined, united and serious as we can be. There will be no concessions here and no looking the other way. This is vital not only for the IDF but for the existence of the state.
My webmaster David Rutstein no longer consults with me. He added two provocative images of Peres to the site, one behind bars, the other with his hands dripping in blood. I wasn't in favor but he promised results, and they did come in. Major media from Channel 10 -TV to both Maariv and Yediot's websites condemned the images and the state attorney general presented them to the Knesset cabinet to decide whether to prosecute or not:
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0%2C7340%2CL-3161933%2C00.html http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3160375,00.html
Tuesday, Nov 1, I became legitimate. I was invited to appear on a highly respected and staid tv program, Law And Judgement. This is a prime time show on the government's second channel. The situation is three prominent attorneys interviewing guests with relevant legal issues to share. The guest before me was the new state attorney general.
He was interviewed alone and I assumed I was to be. But no. Fifteen minutes before the start of the program I was informed I would be sharing the show with prosecutor Pnina Guy and former head of the Mossad Danny Yatom.
It was now five against one. I had been set up.
But, as numerous viewers told me after, I won.
Guy had backtracked from her doubts of two days before as she was obviously scripted to do. Yatom was all prepared to smear every rabbi, religious Jew and anyone from the Right.
But I brought evidence and had it filmed before I began my shpiel. I was not given a lot of time, and under great pressure I showed Israel the ambulance beside Rabin's car, the watch showing how Shamgar lied about the murder time, the infamous songsheet. I defended myself with the facts and my co-guests did not even try to answer them.
After sitting quietly for nearly ten minutes while Yatom spewed ugly venom against the supposed inciters of the Rabin murder, I became brazen. I told the host,"Do you know he just slandered half the country and you let him?"
After the show, neither Yatom nor Guy would accept my book as a present. But I knew a little about Yatom, so here I am telling the former head of the Mossad, "Are you aware that the London Observor wrote that Netanyahu gave you the Mossad job in return for silence about Rabin?" Yatom turned red and replied, "I already had the job from him."
That night, somebody decided I was serious enough to sit on the same panel as the country's most famous prosecutor and the former head of the Mossad. Even odder, they agreed to sit with me.
And the next night was just as significant. I was invited as a guest on Channel Ten's prime time talk show, London And Kirschenbaum. The guest before me was Ami Ayalon, former head of the Shabak. My, what company I was suddenly keeping.
Yaron London is the nation's most influential literary critic and Moti Kirschenbaum was chairman of the Israel Broadcasting Authority at the time of Rabin's murder. In my book, I lambast him for authorizing two staged reports about Yigal Amir and Avishai Raviv's phoney organization, Eyal.
And he was hopping mad about that. He had his say and I didn't think I'd get mine. But I reminded him that other guests were permitted to speak freely and I was off and running. I presented an overview of Israel television's role in creating Eyal and Amir and he agreed that mistakes were made. Most important of all, he admitted the reports on Eyal were staged.
London interrupted and told me, "I'm really mad at you."
I smirked broadly and answered, "Why aren't I surprised?"
He continued, "Why wasn't I in your book for something?"
I replied, "Send a director to stage tv reports for the government and next time you will be."
London, the preferred literary critic of the country, then lifted my Rabin book to the camera and recommended it as an alternative to his way of thinking.
I won.
And I kept winning. The major web sites suddenly wrote very positive things about my work and most of the reactions were highly positive.
http://news.msn.co.il/news/Internal/Internal/200510/20051026083543.htm http://news.walla.co.il/?w=//803088
9:30, Thursday, November 3, the conspiracy finally goes public for good. Channel two broadcast a one hour documentary proving Rabin was shot a third time and from the front. This is only my core claim for the past nine years. Rabin's clothing had been sitting untouched in the prime minister's archive for the past decade. The filmmakers retrieved them and found a frontal bullet hole in the shirt and undershirt. It wasn't where I said they'd be but now my central claims that Rabin had been shot point blank was verified by Pnina Guy, and from the front, by Channel Two. I couldn't watch the show properly so many people called to congratulate me. One complaint: the film used so much of my discoveries ie. the change in the time of the murder, Prof. Hiss reporting the hole in the front of Rabin's shirt, Health Minister Sneh reporting three bullets etc. and gave me no credit.
But it didn't matter. The viewers knew I had won, we had won.
The film was followed by an hour panel discussion where Hiss' lies finally caught up with him and Sneh tried to obfuscate his statement on the night of the murder by attacking the right wing inciters. This time, everyone agreed he sounded hollow.
Most important of all, the Left, for once showed integrity. Ronen Bergman of Haaretz eloquently demanded a reinvestigation of the Rabin murder, "to dispel once and for all the conspiracy theories threatening our democracy." Of course if that third bullet hole is for real, Amir didn't cause it, so he'll get his conspiracy whether he likes it or not. And the next day, Tom Segev of Haaretz demanded that every point of the conspiracy theories be re-examined.
Haaretz became our ally? I never thought I'd live to see the day.
Friday, Nov. 4 was the best anniversary Yitzhak Rabin could have ever wished for. His personal bodyguard, Dror Yitzhaki appeared on Channel Two with his own deep suspicions of the Shabak's involvement in the murder. He joined the media chorus to reinvestigate the Rabin murder.
And what a chorus it was this year. The Friday papers presented excellent long analyses of the conspiracy. The chorus included Makor Rishon, Yated Neeman, and Hashavuah. As expected the Jerusalem Post barely mentioned the number one issue of the nation this Nov. 4. But best of all was Maariv's 4 page investigation of the conspiracy claims. Reporter Navah Tsuriel did a fair and excellent overview of the conspiracy claims and found that many were not wanting. And congratulations to her for finally solving the riddle of the death of Yoav Kuriel. Yes, he was a Rabin bodyguard and yes, he was murdered. She got eye-witnesses at the burial society to speak out after ten years.
I never thought I'd live to see the day when not just Haaretz, but Channel Two and Maariv stopped protecting the establishment and started acting like journalists. I never thought I'd ever see the day when Channels 33 and 10 invited me to prime time programs to debate the establishment.
I never thought I'd see the day when the Israeli public would wake up and admit Rabin was murdered in a political coup.
I never thought I would live to see myself vindicated.
I never thought we would actually win.
I never thought I'd be so glad I was wrong.
And look how flimsily the foreign media is covering all this.
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