Mysterious Geneva money mover: tied to Enron, Saudis, Osama Bin Laden, and Iran-contra principals. NGIC Charlottesville HQ. Cooked intelligence on Iraq and cozy with MZM, the contractor that is under Federal Grand Jury and FBI investigations.
WASHINGTON, DC -- August 25, 2005 -- WMR has obtained further paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's longtime mysterious Swiss German money mover (see July 24-25 article below) to a now defunct bank operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of his closest business associates. The network of Swiss-based terrorist financiers are also linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and prominent European fascist leaders. The bank, Al Taqwa ("Fear of God"), was headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas. It ceased operations after its assets were blocked by a US Treasury Department order, its assets were frozen by the Swiss government, and its banking license was revoked by the Bahamas. Al Taqwa subsequently changed its name to Nada Management Organization. Al Taqwa and a complex web of affiliate front companies and brass plates in Switzerland, the Bahamas, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Jersey, Isle of Man, Turkey, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, the United States (Delaware and Texas), Germany, Belgium, Albania, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Austria, Bahrain, Singapore, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Liechtenstein were reportedly involved in funding terrorist operations around the world, including the procurement of nuclear material from the former Soviet Union through Baltic intermediaries. According to a EUROPOL diagram obtained by WMR, these companies included Iksir Holding, SA (Italy), Asat Trust (Liechtenstein), Iksir Ltd. (Bahamas), Gulf Center (Italy), NASCO (Turkey), Nasreddin International Group (Liechtenstein), Akida Bank (Bahamas), MIGA (Switzerland), and Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein). According to intelligence sources in the United States and Europe, the Al Taqwa network intersected with tranches in Geneva and the Isle of Man that involve front companies associated with George H. W. Bush and Enron: Topaz Liberty, Bluelake World, and Potomac Capital. The Iranian con man and Pentagon neocon contact Manucher Ghorbanifar, Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, and members of the Bin Laden family are reportedly linked to Geneva-based Potomac Capital, a front company created by George H. W. Bush when he was CIA Director in 1976. Interestingly, it was George W. Bush, who, in November 2001, cited Al Taqwa as part of "Al Qaeda's" money laundering activities. However, Bush's neocon allies at The Washington Times and World Net Daily quickly altered course and drew attention away from Al Taqwa's Saudi and Kuwaiti investors and began to erroneously link Al Taqwa to Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Further criminal investigations of Al Taqwa's principals were also quickly dropped. Potomac Capital appeared on the radar screen of Federal investigators during the Iran-Contra investigation conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Al Taqwa connection to weapons of mass destruction proliferation, Bin Laden, and George H. W. Bush and his business associates stands as another reason the George W. Bush administration leaked the CIA's Brewster Jennings & Associates counter-WMD network. The CIA counter-proliferation team was getting uncomfortably close to tying members of the Bush family and their business associates to the same financial networks that fund Osama Bin Laden and his "Al Qaeda" network. WMR has also obtained a possible second connection between the Swiss network connected to George H. W. Bush and other 911 hijackers. The first connection concerned hijacker Fayyaz Ahmed and a $50,000 check he received from a tranche connected to the Swiss network. The second is the listing of Ahmed Mesfer Ahmed Alghamdi as a shareholder of Al Taqwa on a Central Bank of the Bahamas document dated April 15, 2000. Ahmed Alghamdi and Hamza Alghamdi were two of the Saudi hijackers on board United Flight 175, which struck the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Saeed Alghamdi was one of the hijackers on board United Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylania after being shot down by U.S. military fighter planes (according to an NSA employee who was on duty in the National Security Operations Center on the morning of 911). According to the FBI, the Alghamdi hijackers used a number of aliases. Ahmed Alghamdi used the names Ahmed Saeed Saleh Alghamdi, Ahmed Mohammed Alghamdi, Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Saleh, and Juan Poncho Bennett. Hamza Alghamdi used Saleh Alghamdi Hamzah. Saeed Alghamdi used Mohsalih Alghamdi, Mokhlidmazid Almotairi, Saeedayed Alghamdi, and Saeed H. Alghamdi. Other Alghamdis wanted by the FBI for involvement with "Al Qaeda" include Nora Alghamdi, Ali A. Alghamdi, Abdulrahman Alghamdi, Othman Alghamdi, Sadda Alghamdi, and Tareqsaeed Alghamdi.
UPDATE -- WASHINGTON, DC -- July 31, 2005 -- On June 20, Intelligence Whispers reported on New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's investigation of American Insurance Group and shady deals involving Citigroup, Enron, and UBS. This weekend brought two strange deaths involving recently retired top banking officials -- one in New York and the other in Europe. On July 30, it was reported that former Citigroup board member Arthur Zankel fell from the window of his 9th floor Manhattan apartment. Zankel retired from Citigroup's board in 2004 and was said by his longtime friend and colleague, Citigroup Chairman Sanford Weill to have been suffering from depression. Hours later, Wim Duisenberg, the retired head of the European Central Bank, was found dead in his swimming pool at his villa in Faucon, in southeastern France. Duisenberg retired in 2003. On July 29, Milan prosecutors announced indictments against subsidiaries of UBS, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley as part of the investigation of the financial collapse of the Italian dairy mega-corporation Parmalat. Duisenberg was backed for the head of the European Central Bank by the German banking establishment, including Deutsche Bank. "Follow the Money ... The Truth is Out There."
UPDATED -- WASHINGTON, DC, HOUSTON, AND ZURICH -- July 24-25, 2005 -- On July 15, Intelligence Whispers reported on a July 31, 1995, $10 million transfer of funds (US Treasury Bills) from Banca Svizzera Italiana (BSI) in Zurich, via Swiss Bank Corp., New York, to Nations Bank in Texas that originated from Saudi Arabia. On Sept. 28, 1995, a $50,000 check drawn on those funds was cashed by Fayyaz Ahmed, identified as one of the 911 hijackers aboard United Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. WMR has now obtained the SWIFT documents from that funds transfer, which identifies Treatment Services of the Southwest Corporation of Houston, the account name for the account (account number 2664055561) on which the $50,000 check to Ahmed was drawn. Topaz Liberty, Inc. of Zurich and a firm called Andromeda International Ltd. of Edmonton, Alberta are mentioned in the SWIFT cashback wire transfer notice. Topaz Liberty maintained a brass plate front at MSL Office Services, Todistrasse, Zurich. Topaz Liberty also had a business relationship with Stephens Securities of Little Rock, Arkansas and businessmen in Oklahoma. The payee of the $10 million was Bluelake World, SA, a Swiss-registered firm. The wire transfer, itself, was a violation of SWIFT rules, which specified that a company had to be in existence for at least 6 months prior to a wire transfer via SWIFT. Bluelake World, which had working capital of $40 million, had only been in existence for 5 months when the $10 million SWIFT transfer to Texas was made. The FBI in Phoenix was investigating the transfer of some of the $10 million to Egyptian nationals it had under surveillance in Arizona and Dallas, some of whom were involved in flight training. The Dallas-based Egyptians were concentrating on training on Boeing 727s. The FBI investigated a Dallas-based distribution channel for the money called RDC Holdings, Inc., according to a well-placed source. RDC used a Merrill Lynch account (Account No. 41C-07021) to receive $7,499,985 from Bluelake on December 15, 1995. On March 29, 1996, $7.5 million from RDC's Merrill Lynch account was seized by the Arizona Attorney General. Some of the funds were returned to Bluelake but some of the money is still in Arizona accounts. It has also been revealed that the Russian Foreign Intelligence agency, the SVR, had a well-placed mole inside Barclay's Bank who was monitoring the transfer of Saudi money to Texas, including 1996 $10 billion Saudi transfer to the Enron account. It was the financial intelligence about large scale Saudi money movements to the United States that contributed to Russian intelligence warnings to the CIA prior to the 911 attacks. The mysterious Geneva-based money mover described in the article below is also reported to be a longtime supporter of both Islamist radical movements and neo-Nazi organizations. He is linked to providing financial support for Osama bin Laden, the late President of Azerbaijan Gaidar Aliev, Manuel Noriega (who he later testified against at the Panamanian dictator's Miami trial), the Muslim Brotherhood, and neo-Nazi and other right-wing groups in Europe and America. The SWIFT documents: WASHINGTON, DC AND HOUSTON
-- UPDATED -- July 15, 2005 -- On June 20, Intelligence Whispers reported on a secret meeting between UNOCAL, Enron, and Taliban officials in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 1996. The report stated: "Prior to the Tashkent oil summit, on June 23, 1996, a $10 billion wire transfer was made from Cyprus, via Barclays Bank in London, to Enron in Houston. Cyprus is a major banking center for illicit activity. The Tashkent meeting was followed by a spring 1997 meeting between Enron, UNOCAL, and Taliban representatives at the posh Houstonian Hotel in Houston." Now, more information has been gleaned from knowledgeable intelligence sources about the secret UNOCAL, Enron, and Taliban negotiations over the Central Asian Gas pipeline (CentGas). The source of the $10 billion was the Saudi Royal family and the recipient was Enron's LJM1 off-the-books partnership, also known as LJM Cayman, LP. LJM1 was primarily set up to finance the CentGas pipeline deal. Convicted Enron Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Andrew J. Fastow was the managing member of the LJM1 partners. In addition to Barclays, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was also allegedly used to transfer the $10 billion to the Enron account. The Russian Finance Ministry, which became interested in the deals hammered out at the Tashkent meeting between UNOCAL, Enron, and the Taliban, was aware of where the $10 billion came from and where it ultimately went. Russia backed the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance when the CentGas pipeline deal was being negotiated with the Taliban in Tashkent on September 7, 1996. The Cyprus financial middleman, an on-and-off resident of Vienna, Austria, and a specialist in international financial transfers, made a smaller transfer a year before he moved the $10 billion. In 1995, a $10 million transfer was made to Houston and the source was, again, the Saudi Royal family. The funds were transferred to Nations Bank via Banca Svizzera Italiana via SWIFT. On September 28, 1995, a $50,000 check was cashed at Nation's Bank of Pasadena, Texas. It allegedly originated from the $10 million of transferred funds from Saudi Arabia and the payee was "Fayyaz Ahmed." Fayyaz Ahmed, aka Fayez Ahmad, was also named as one of the hijackers aboard United 175 that crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The $50,000 check was signed by a Texas businessman who was later jailed by Federal authorities for three years for money laundering and wire fraud. The Dallas criminal case is as follows:
Office: Dallas Filed: 04/08/1998
County: Dallas Terminated: 05/17/1999 Reopened:
Other Court Case: None
Count: 1 Citation: 15:77Q.F Offense Level: 4
Count: 11s Citation: 18:1956-3300.F Offense Level: 4
18:1956(a)(1)(A)(i), 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) and 2 MONEY LAUNDERING - INTERSTATE COMMERCE and Aiding and Abetting
Count: 12s Citation: 18:1956-3300.F Offense Level: 4
18:1956(a)(1)(A)(i) and 2 MONEY LAUNDERING - INTERSTATE COMMERCE and Aiding and Abetting
Count: 1s Citation: 15:77Q.F Offense Level: 4
Count: 2s Citation: 18:1343.F Offense Level: 4
18:1343 and 2 FRAUD BY WIRE, RADIO, OR TELEVISION and Aiding and Abetting
Count: 3s-10s Citation: 18:1956-3300.F Offense Level: 4
18:1956(a)(1)(A)(i) and 2 MONEY LAUNDERING - INTERSTATE COMMERCE and Aiding and Abetting
Count: 1ss Citation: 15:77Q.F Offense Level: 4
Count: 2ss Citation: 18:1343.F Offense Level: 4
18:1343.F and 2 FRAUD BY WIRE, RADIO, OR TELEVISION aiding and abetting
Count: 3ss-13ss Citation: 18:1956-4700.F Offense Level: 4
18:1956-4700.F and 2 MONEY LAUNDERING - POSTAL, INTERSTATE WIRE, RADIO, ETC. aiding and abetting
The account from which the $50,000 was paid was in the name of Treatment Services of the Southwest Corporation, 14359 Torrey Chase Blvd., Suite D Houston TX 77014-1635, in North Harris County --check number 266-406556-1; Tax ID # 76-0455993. Much of the funds evetually ended up in Phoenix, later the location of some of the 911 hijacker trainees. Ahmad also used the aliases Banihammad Fayez Abu Dhabi Banihammad, Fayez Rashid Ahmed, Banihammad Fayez, Rasid Ahmed Hassen Alqadi, Abu Dhabi Banihammad Ahmed Fayez, with the FBI officially tagging him as one Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan al Qadi Banihammad. Fayyaz Ahmed had been a resident of Delray Beach, Florida. The FBI later said that the "Fayyaz Ahmed" who cashed the check in Pasadena was merely a student paying for college tuition but the note on the check states "contingent for travel expenses." Dallas, Texas was also one of the locations used by the hijackers for flight simulator training. One of the flight training "tasks," the hijackers trained to do was to maneuver planes between World Trade Center 1 and 2. The international financial transfer specialist, a German national, is now reportedly living in Geneva after spending time in Glasgow (12 Claremount Avenue, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 5UT Scotland) and reportedly had past connections to the Iranian Iran-contra figure Manucher Ghorbanifar, the late Azerbaijani President Gaidar Aliev, jailed Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, current Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, and a secretive investment firm called Potomac Capital, set up as a CIA proprietary in 1976 by then-CIA Director George H. W. Bush as a means to launder large amounts of cash for classified operations. In 1996, Interpol and the Swiss police raided the money mover's Zurich office, a brass plate which represented his Panamanian registered corporation, Topaz Liberty, Inc. The firm is reported to have had close links to Negroponte's covert Central American operations and was linked to the failed Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). The FBI desperately tried to interview the money mover in May 1996 but were unsuccessful. Potomac Capital, which reportedly had its CIA links severed during the Clinton administration, was the template for BCCI. Potomac Capital reportedly now maintains a brass plate office in the same office building in Geneva that houses Ghorbanifar's company. The mysterious money mover is also suspected of currently providing funds to Osama bin Laden. A well-placed intelligence source criticized the George W. Bush administration for using former CIA proprietaries for political purposes having nothing to do with national security. Potomac Capital was used to finance an airline called ULTRAIR, which allegedly bought weapons and shipped them to the Afghan mujaheddin in the 1980s. ULTRAIR bought a couple of former Eastern Airlines Boeing 727s from Texas Air Corporation after Texas Air chairman Frank Lorenzo conducted a corporate raid on the faltering airline using junk bonds. After ULTRAIR fell into financial difficulties, President George H. W. Bush leased the planes for White House use in a highly questionable deal. After Bush left office, the new White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster began looking into White House travel records in an investigation of the prior administration's leasing deals with ULTRAIR. Foster's investigation was complemented by a similar Justice Department probe ordered by Attorney General Janet Reno. Financial ties between Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, and American banks do not end with the Texas payments. A former chief of Mossad confided that Israeli intelligence was well aware that Al Qaeda funded its activities through the top six U.S. banks, including Nation's Bank (now Bank of America). After Israeli troops swarmed into the West Bank and Gaza in Operation Protective Shield in 2002, seizure of records from banks showed that a number of terrorist groups received funding through U.S. bank accounts. Two checks below show the involvement of Chase Manhattan Bank in the financing activities. The copies were provided by Israeli military intelligence. The source of the funds were Saudi. Furthermore, a U.S. intelligence source recently confided that Florida Governor Jeb Bush was heavily involved in the spiriting of members of the Saudi Royal family out of Florida on a U.S. government plane after the attacks of September 11, 2001. A third check provided by Israeli military intelligence is drawn on the Saudi American Bank, which has an office just across the street from the Saudi Embassy in Washington, DC in the Watergate complex. The former head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turki bin Faisal, who acted as the Saudi govenrment's main interlocutor with Osama bin Laden, is due to take up the post as Saudi ambassador to the United States.
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