Monday, 28 January 2008

chemtrails:scientific paper confirms barium spraying


The National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) is part of the United States National Library
of Medicine (NLM), a branch of the National Institutes
of Health

Elevated silver, barium and strontium in antlers, vegetation and soils sourced from CWD cluster areas: do Ag/Ba/Sr piezoelectric crystals represent the transmissible pathogenic agent in TSEs?

Purdey M.

High Barn Farm, Elworthy, Taunton, Somerset TA4
3PX, UK.

High levels of Silver (Ag), Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) and low levels of copper (Cu) have been measured in the antlers, soils and pastures of the deer that are thriving in the chronic wasting disease (CWD) cluster zones in North America in relation to the areas where CWD and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have not been reported. The elevations of Ag, Ba and Sr were thought to originate from both natural geochemical and artificial pollutant sources—stemming from the common practise of aerial spraying with ‘cloud seeding’ Ag or Ba crystal nuclei for rain making in these drought prone areas of North America, the atmospheric spraying with Ba based aerosols for enhancing/refracting radar and radio signal communications as well as the spreading of waste Ba drilling mud from the local oil/gas well industry across pastureland. These metals have subsequently bioconcentrated up the foodchain and into the mammals who are dependent upon the local Cu deficient ecosystems. A dual eco-prerequisite theory is proposed on the aetiology of TSEs which is based upon an Ag, Ba, Sr or Mn replacement binding at the vacant Cu/Zn domains on the cellular prion protein (PrP)/sulphated proteoglycan molecules which impairs the capacities of the brain to protect itself against incoming shockbursts of sound and light energy. Ag/Ba/Sr chelation of free sulphur within the biosystem inhibits the viable synthesis of the sulphur dependent proteoglycans, which results in the overall collapse of the Cu mediated conduction of electric signals along the PrP-proteoglycan signalling pathways; ultimately disrupting GABA type inhibitory currents at the synapses/end plates of the auditory/circadian regulated circuitry, as well as disrupting proteoglycan co-regulation of the growth factor signalling systems which maintain the structural integrity of the nervous system. The resulting Ag, Ba, Sr or Mn based compounds seed piezoelectric crystals which incorporate PrP and ferritin into their structure. These ferrimagnetically ordered crystals multireplicate and choke up the PrP-proteoglycan conduits of electrical conduction throughout the CNS. The second stage of pathogenesis comes into play when the pressure energy from incoming shock bursts of low frequency acoustic waves from low fly jets, explosions, earthquakes, etc. (a key eco-characteristic of TSE cluster environments) are absorbed by the rogue ‘piezoelectric’ crystals, which duly convert the mechanical pressure energy into an electrical energy which accumulates in the crystal-PrP-ferritin aggregates (the fibrils) until a point of ‘saturation polarization’ is reached. Magnetic fields are generated on the crystal surface, which initiate chain reactions of deleterious free radical mediated spongiform neurodegeneration in surrounding tissues. Since Ag, Ba, Sr or Mn based piezoelectric crystals are heat resistant and carry a magnetic field inducing pathogenic capacity, it is proposed that these ferroelectric crystal pollutants represent the transmissible, pathogenic agents that initiate TSE.

PMID: 15236778 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

europe chemtrails: oui/non de la commission

Source: Parlement Européen

Questions parlementaires 10 mai 2007 E-2455/07

Question écrite posée par Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) à la Commission


Préoccupation croissante à l’égard des traces laissées par les avions, lesquelles ne contiennent plus uniquement de l’eau, mais engendrent des voiles laiteux de longue durée, conséquence potentielle de la présence de baryum, d’aluminium et de fer.

1. La Commission sait-elle que depuis 1999, les citoyens américains et canadiens se plaignent de plus en plus fréquemment d’un nouveau type de traces laissées dans l’air par des avions? Ces traces peuvent parfois rester en suspension pendant plusieurs heures et atteindre une extension largement supérieure, entraînant la formation de voiles laiteux baptisés « aerial obscuration » (« obscurations aériennes »). La Commission sait-elle que ce nouveau type de traces se distingue nettement des fines et courtes lignes blanches présentes dans l’air, baptisées « traînées de condensation » depuis l’invention du moteur à réaction, lesquelles ne restent pas plus de 20 minutes dans l’air et ne peuvent apparaître que si la vapeur d’eau se condense sur les particules de poussière en raison de la faiblesse des températures et d’un taux d’humidité élevé?
2. La Commission sait-elle que les enquêtes menées par ces plaignants, les observations des pilotes et les annonces des pouvoirs publics aboutissent de plus en plus fréquemment à l’hypothèse qu’en l’espèce, l’avion diffuse dans l’air sec de petites particules composées de baryum, d’aluminium et de fer, une substance immédiatement baptisée « chemtrails » (« traînées chimiques ») dans le cadre du débat en cours aux États-Unis?
3. Étant donné que ces traînées chimiques,
contrairement aux traînées de condensation, ne constituent pas un sous-produit inévitable du trafic aérien actuel, la Commission connaît-elle la finalité de la diffusion planétaire artificielle de ces substances d’origine terrestre? Possède-t-elle des effets favorables sur la production de pluie, les télécommunications ou la lutte contre le réchauffement de la planète?
4. Dans quelle mesure les obscurations aériennes et les traînées chimiques sont-elles actuellement présentes dans l’espace aérien européen, sachant que nombre de citoyens de notre continent sont désormais persuadés de leur présence croissante et s’inquiètent face au manque d’informations concernant ce phénomène et à l’absence d’explications à l’intention du public? Qui prend l’initiative de diffuser cette substance et d’où proviennent les financements?
5. Abstraction faite des conséquences positives recherchées par la diffusion de ces substances dans l’air, la Commission en connaît-elle également les inconvénients potentiels pour l’environnement, la santé publique, le trafic aérien et la réception des signaux télévisuels?
6. Comment empêcher des États européens ou des entreprises de prendre des mesures unilatérales dont les conséquences transfrontalières peuvent être considérées comme néfastes par d’autres États ou par des organisations de citoyens? Une coordination est-elle d’ores et déjà assurée sur ce plan? L’Union joue-t-elle un rôle à ce niveau ou attendez-vous à y jouer un rôle à l’avenir? Quels sont vos objectifs à cet égard?


Source: Parlement Européen (fichier doc, en anglais)

- Réponse donnée par M. Dimas au nom de la
Commission - 26 juin 2007

1. La Commission a connaissance des affirmations que de tels modes et phénomènes existent. Cependant, la Commission n’a connaissance d’aucune preuve appuyant de telles affirmations. L’ampleur à laquelle les traînées de condensation des avions se forment et la vitesse à laquelle elles disparaissent est dans un premier temps déterminée par la pression, la température, et l’humidité relative pour un niveau de vol donné. Les propriétés du carburant et de la combustion et l’efficacité globale de la propulsion peuvent aussi avoir un impact. Tout changement ou tendance de l’importance des observations de traînées de condensation restant visibles ou se développant en nuages plus étendus pourraient donc être dus à des facteurs tels que:
 conditions météorologiques
 volume du trafic
 efficacité des moteurs

2. La Commission a connaissance de telles affirmations mais n’a connaissance d’aucune preuve que des particules de baryum, d’aluminium, ou de fer sont émises, délibérément ou non, par des avions.
3. Non. Il ne peut être exclu que le relâchement de telles particules pourraient affecter les précipitations ou le changement de climat, mais, comme indiqué ci-dessus, la Commission n’a connaissance d’aucune preuve que de tels relâchements existent.
4. La Commission n’a connaissance d’aucune preuve que de telles méthodes sont employées en Europe.
5. Aucune des substances auxquelles il est fait allusion n’est dangereuse en soi (texte original: none of the substances referred to are hazardous per se), mais certains effets sur l’environnement et la santé publique ne peuvent être écartés si des relâchements à grande échelle se produisaient.
6. Comme indiqué ci-dessus, la Commission n’a connaissance d’aucune preuve suggérant qu’il y a des raisons d’agir.


La Commission Européenne mentant sur la toxicité du baryum, il est plus que probable qu’elle mente sur tout le reste:

Source: Institut national de recherche et de sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles ( (fichier pdf)

Fiche toxicologique n° 125 - Baryum et composés

Toxicocinétique - Métabolisme

Les composés solubles des sels de baryum sont rapidement absorbés dans le tractus gastro-intestinal et les poumons. Le baryum absorbé se dépose dans les muscles, les poumons et surtout dans les os. Chez l’animal, l’absorption gastro-intestinale varie de 0,7 % à 85 % selon l’espèce (chlorure de baryum, environ 50 % chez le chien et 30% chez le rat et la souris), l’âge (absorption plus importante chez les animaux jeunes) et la nourriture (absorption diminuée en présence de nourriture dans le tractus gastro-intestinal). Chez le rat, après exposition orale à de faibles concentrations, l’absorption des sels de baryum est fonction de la solubilité de ces composés dans le milieu acide du tractus gastro-intestinal supérieur (chlorure > sulfate > carbonate); à fortes concentrations, l’absorption diminue car la conversion des sels de baryum en chlorure de baryum dans l’estomac est limitée. Dans le tractus respiratoire, les composés du baryum sont bien absorbés, y compris ceux qui sont peu solubles dans l’eau. L’absorption nasale et alvéolaire de chlorure de baryum est estimée, chez le rat, à 60-80% de la dose, 4 h après l’exposition.
La demi-vie du sulfate de baryum dans le tractus respiratoire inférieur est de 8j chez le chien (1,1 µg/l, 30-90 min. d’exposition). Chez le rat, 24h après instillation intratrachéale de sulfate de baryum marqué (2µg), 15,3 % de la radioactivité a disparu des poumons, soit par un mécanisme de clairance mucociliaire (7,9 %), soit par passage sanguin (7,4 %). Le baryum absorbé dans le sang disparaît en 24h; il se dépose dans les muscles, les poumons, et surtout dans les os (78% de la charge corporelle, 24h après exposition et 95 % après 11j), préférentiellement dans les zones de croissance et sur la surface. Dans les muscles, la concentration de baryum diminue lentement à partir de 30h après l’exposition; dans les os, la demi-vie d’élimination moyenne est d’environ 50j (66j dans le crâne et 88j dans la région caudale). De fortes concentrations sont parfois mesurées dans les yeux, principalement dans les structures pigmentées. De faibles quantités sont décelées dans l’aorte, les reins, le foie, la rate, le cerveau, le coeur et le pancréas et disparaissent en quelques jours. Le baryum peut traverser la barrière placentaire et atteindre le foetus.
Chez l’homme et le rat, le baryum est excrété essentiellement dans les fecès (95-98%) et faiblement dans l’urine (2-5%). Chez l’homme, environ 75% de la dose est éliminé en 3 jours et 10 à 20% pendant les 42 jours suivants; l’excrétion totale suit un modèle à 3 compartiments avec des demi-vies biologiques de 3,6, 34,2 et 1033 jours. Chez le rat, l’excrétion fécale représente 20% de la dose en 24h, contrairement au calcium qui est excrété essentiellement par l’urine.
Mode d’action
Le baryum se fixe aux protéines (54% de la dose), active la sécrétion de catécholamines par les surrénales et stimule les muscles. Ses effets toxiques sont essentiellement dus à une action sur les flux de potassium à travers les membranes des cellules excitables (nerfs, muscle, coeur). L’exposition de telles cellules au baryum provoque une diminution rapide de la perméabilité au potassium et de son efflux; ceci entraîne une baisse du potentiel de repos membranaire avec une hyper-irritabilité et une augmentation d’activité. Puisque le baryum augmente le transport actif du potassium du milieu extracellulaire vers la cellule et diminue son excrétion passive, il en découle une hypokaliémie.
Après ingestion aiguë ou administration parentérale de
fortes doses, le baryum induit une hypersalivation,
une dyspnée, des vomissements, des diarrhées, une
hypokaliémie, des effets cardiovasculaires
(hypertension et arythmies), des effets musculaires
(faiblesse, tremblements et paralysie), des
convulsions et la mort par arrêt cardiaque et
respiratoire. Les effets cardiaques et musculaires sont liés à une perte importante de potassium, du milieu extracellulaire vers la cellule, et sont réversibles après administration de potassium. L’action hypertensive du baryum n’est pas réversible après injection de potassium; elle serait due à une stimulation directe des muscles lisses artériels.
Des rats et des lapins ayant reçu une dose intratrachéale de carbonate de baryum (50 mg) présentent une sclérose pulmonaire, visible 9 mois après l’exposition, qui progresse vers une pneumonie fibreuse avec nécrose des membranes muqueuses des bronches. Le lapin (0,6ml/kg d’une suspension contenant 85% de sulfate de baryum, intratrachéal) ne présente pas de modification de la ventilation pulmonaire, du taux des gaz sanguins ou du poids des poumons; cependant, bronchopneumonie, bronchite ou bronchiolite réversibles sont observées pendant la première semaine.
Le chlorure de baryum dihydraté est irritant pour la peau, les yeux (iritis réversible) et le tractus respiratoire.

Subchronique et chronique

Aucun signe clinique n’est détecté chez des rats (2000 ppm, 15j) ou des souris (346 ppm, 15j) exposés au chlorure de baryum dans l’eau de boisson. Les souris exposées à 692 ppm (15j) présentent une augmentation de poids du foie.
A la dose de 1000 ppm de chlorure de baryum pendant 90j, des modifications ultrastructurelles apparaissent dans les glomérules rénaux du rat unilatéralement néphrectomisé; à 4000 ppm, on observe une baisse de poids, une diminution de consommation hydrique, une dilatation des tubules rénaux et une augmentation de la létalité. Des symptômes identiques sont observés chez la souris (4000 ppm, 13 sem.) avec une baisse de poids du foie et une néphropathie, multifocale à diffuse, caractérisée par une dilatation tubaire, une régénérescence et une atrophie.
Des rates exposées pendant 16 mois à 1, 10 ou 100 ppm (0,051- 0,51- 5,1 mg Ba/kg/j) dans l’eau de boisson, présentent, à la forte dose surtout, une augmentation de la pression artérielle moyenne ; la nourriture contenant un apport limité en calcium et potassium, pourrait contribuer à cet effet.
Une exposition au chlorure de baryum pendant 2 ans à des doses allant de 500 à 2500ppm, dans l’eau de boisson, induit, chez le rat, une baisse de poids corporel et une augmentation de la concentration de baryum sérique et osseux. Chez la souris, des doses semblables augmentent la létalité, la concentration de baryum sérique et le taux de néphropathies.
Le NOAEL (dose sans effet toxique observé), par voie orale chez la souris, est de 200 mg Ba/kg/j en exposition subchronique, 75 mg Ba/kg/j (mâles) ou 90 mg Ba/kg/j (femelles) en exposition chronique; chez le rat, le NOAEL subchronique est de 65 mg Ba/kg/j et le NOAEL chronique 60 mg Ba/kg/j (mâles) ou 45 mg Ba/kg/j (femelles).
Des rats mâles, exposés, par inhalation, à de la poussière de carbonate de baryum (5,2mg/m3, 4h/j, 6 mois), présentent une pression artérielle élevée, une baisse de la prise de poids, une diminution du taux sanguin d’hémoglobine, de glucose, de protéines, de cholineestérase et de thrombocytes, une augmentation du taux sanguin de leucocytes, de phosphore et de phosphatase alcaline et du taux urinaire de calcium. A l’autopsie, on observe une sclérose pulmonaire périvasculaire et péribronchique. Le NOEL (dose sans effet observé) est 0,8 mg Ba/m3, 4h/j, pendant 6 mois.


In vitro, le nitrate de baryum et le chlorure de baryum dihydraté ne sont pas mutagènes dans le test d’Ames sur S. typhimurium TA97, TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, avec ou sans activation métabolique. Le chlorure de baryum est mutagène pour les cellules de lymphome de souris en culture en présence d’activateur métabolique mais n’induit pas, avec ou sans activation métabolique, d’aberration chromosomique ou d’échanges entre chromatides soeurs dans les cellules ovariennes de hamster chinois.
Aucune augmentation de l’incidence tumorale n’est observée après exposition, dans l’eau de boisson, de rats ou de souris des deux sexes à 5 mg Ba/l (sous forme d’acétate de baryum), pendant toute la durée de leur vie ou à 2500 ppm de chlorure de baryum dihydraté pendant 2 ans.
Après exposition au chlorure de baryum dihydraté on observe une diminution par rapport aux témoins, en relation avec la dose, du taux de phéochromocytomes de la médullosurrénale et de leucémies à cellules mononucléées chez le rat mâle (500-2500ppm, 2 ans) et d’adénomes hépatocellulaires chez la souris mâle (2500ppm, 2 ans).

Effets sur la reproduction

Par voie orale, aucune modification cytologique testiculaire ou vaginale n’est observée après exposition au chlorure de baryum chez le rat (1000, 2000 ou 4000 ppm) ou la souris (500, 1000 ou 2000 ppm) dans l’eau de boisson pendant 60 jours pour les mâles ou 30 jours pour les femelles. Après accouplement, il n’y a pas de modification du taux ou de la durée de gestation, de la survie des petits ou du taux d’anomalies externes. Chez le rat, à la plus forte dose, on observe une légère réduction du nombre d’implants par mère et de la taille des portées à la naissance ainsi qu’une diminution significative, réversible en 5 jours, du poids des petits. Chez la souris, la taille des portées est diminuée pour la dose de 1000 ppm uniquement.
Une exposition, par inhalation, du rat mâle au carbonate de baryum (5,2 mg/m3, 4h/j, 6j/sem, 4 mois) diminue la mobilité spermatique, la résistance osmotique des spermatozoïdes et provoque la desquamation de l’épithélium des canaux spermatiques; chez les femelles (13,4 mg/m3, 4h/j, 6j/sem, 4 mois), on observe un raccourcissement de la durée du cycle ovarien et une atrésie folliculaire. Une augmentation de la létalité foetale est notée après accouplement de rats mâles, exposés à 5,2 mg/m3, avec des femelles non exposées ou de femelles exposées (13,4 mg/m3) avec des mâles exposés ou pas; dans ce cas, les nouveau-nés présentent un déficit de développement. Le NOAEL (dose sans effet toxique observé) est de 1,15 mg/m3.

Toxicité sur l’homme


Les intoxications aiguës résultent principalement d’ingestions volontaires ou de contaminations alimentaires. Elles sont particulièrement graves pour les composés solubles, ainsi que pour le carbonate de baryum, insoluble dans l’eau mais soluble en milieu acide.
Les effets toxiques sont liés à une stimulation des muscles lisses, striés et du muscle cardiaque, une hypokaliémie ainsi qu’à une irritation du tractus gastro-intestinal.
Le tableau clinique débute par des troubles digestifs à type de douleurs abdominales parfois violentes, de diarrhées pouvant être sanglantes, d’une hypersialorrhée, de nausées, de vomissements accompagnés d’une asthénie.
Rapidement surviennent des crampes, des contractures musculaires, puis une paralysie flasque, progressive des quatre membres, du diaphragme, des voies aériennes supérieures. Un cas de rhabdomyolyse a été décrit pour le BaCO3.
Des troubles cardio-vasculaires sont également présents à type de brady- ou tachycardie, d’extrasystoles ou de fibrillations ventriculaires et d’hypertension. Quelques rares cas de comas, non expliqués par les perturbations métaboliques ainsi que des convulsions, ont été rapportés lors d’intoxication liée au passage accidentel de sulfate de baryum dans le sang lors d’opacifications digestives.
Physiologiquement on observe une hypokaliémie accompagnée d’une acidose.
La mort peut survenir par insuffisance respiratoire ou fibrillation ventriculaire.
Les intoxications décrites par voie pulmonaire sont très rares. Un cas mortel très ancien est cité avec de l’oxyde de baryum. Un cas est décrit par inhalation de carbonate de baryum ayant entraîné des symptômes identiques à ceux décrits par ingestion. Pour les composés solubles, l’éventualité de ce risque est à prendre en compte.
Un cas d’intoxication aiguë a été décrit lors d’une brûlure, par du chlorure de baryum, de 20% de la surface corporelle, dont 5% au troisième degré.


Les études sur des populations professionnellement exposées de manière chronique sont relativement rares ou anciennes.
Parmi les populations exposées aux composés insolubles par inhalation, principalement les mineurs, de nombreux cas de barytoses ont été décrits. Il s’agit d’une pneumoconiose de type non collagéneuse, avec une réaction stromale minimale, une absence de fibrose et de destruction de l’alvéole pulmonaire et un caractère réversible des lésions.
Cliniquement, on n’observe aucun symptôme, la fonction
pulmonaire n’est pas modifiée. Seule la radiographie
pulmonaire montre des micronodules, très nombreux et
diffus sur l’ensemble du poumon. Leur nombre peut les
faire apparaître confluents. Ils traduisent
essentiellement la présence de sulfate de baryum, du
fait de sa radio-opacité. Après cessation de
l’exposition, ces images disparaissent

Quelques études rapportent la présence d’hypertension,
de bronchite chronique, de troubles cardiaques mal
définis parmi les populations exposées
professionnellement ou par contamination
environnementale (eau chargée en baryum
principalement). Elles sont cependant toutes
partielles ou critiquables sur le plan méthodologique.
Ces effets ne sont donc pas démontrés.

Sur la peau et les muqueuses, l’oxyde et l’hydroxyde de baryum peuvent exercer une action caustique. Des dépôts osseux avec ostéonécrose, visibles en radiographies, en particulier au niveau du maxillaire et du fémur, ont été décrits.


En raison de la toxicité et des propriétés explosives du baryum et de ses composés, des mesures sévères de prévention et de protection s’imposent lors de leur stockage et de leur manipulation.


Les prescriptions relatives aux zones de stockage sont applicables aux ateliers où sont utilisés le baryum et ses composés. En outre:
 Instruire le personnel des risques présentés par les produits, des précautions à observer et des mesures à prendre en cas d’accident.
 Éviter l’inhalation de vapeurs ou de brouillards.
Effectuer en appareil clos toute opération industrielle qui s’y prête. Prévoir une aspiration du produit à sa source d’émission, une ventilation générale des locaux ainsi que des appareils de protection respiratoire pour certains travaux de courte durée, à caractère exceptionnel ou pour des interventions d’urgence.
 Procéder à des contrôles d’atmosphère.
 Éviter le contact du produit avec la peau et les yeux. Mettre à la disposition du personnel des vêtements de protection, des masques, des gants et des lunettes de sécurité. Ces effets seront maintenus en bon état et nettoyés après chaque usage. Le personnel chargé du nettoyage sera averti des risques présentés par les produits.
 Prévoir l’installation de douches et de fontaines oculaires.
 Ne pas fumer, boire et manger dans les ateliers.
 Observer une hygiène corporelle et vestimentaire très stricte: passage à la douche et changement de vêtements après le travail, lavage des mains et du visage avant les repas, séparation stricte des vêtements de travail et des effets personnels.
 Ne jamais procéder à des travaux sur ou dans des cuves et réservoirs contenant ou ayant contenu du baryum ou ses composés sans prendre les précautions d’usage.
 En cas de déversement accidentel de baryum ou d’un de ses composés solides, récupérer immédiatement les déchets - en évitant de générer des poussières - dans des récipients prévus à cet effet, propres et secs, résistants et étanches, mis sous atmosphère inerte (pour le baryum). Lorsqu’il s’agit d’un composé soluble du baryum, laver à grande eau la surface souillée.
 En cas de déversement accidentel de liquide contenant des composés solubles, récupérer le produit après l’avoir recouvert de matériau absorbant inerte et non combustible (sable, vermiculite). Laver ensuite à grande eau la surface souillée.
 Ne pas rejeter à l’égout les eaux polluées par des composés du baryum.
 À défaut de recyclage possible, éliminer les déchets dans les conditions autorisées par la réglementation.

Au point de vue médical

Pour les composés solubles du baryum :
 On se montrera prudent avant d’affecter des sujets atteints de cardiopathies à des postes comportant un risque d’exposition à ces composés.
 La surveillance médicale comportera éventuellement une surveillance électrocardiographique. La nécessité d’une radiographie pulmonaire est laissée à l’appréciation du médecin du travail. On recherchera particulièrement des symptômes digestifs ou pulmonaires, des crampes ou faiblesses musculaires, une hypertension. Le dosage du potassium plasmatique peut être envisagé en cas d’exposition notable. L’importance de cette surveillance sera ajustée en fonction des résultats de l’évaluation des risques.
 En cas de projection sur la peau ou les muqueuses, laver immédiatement à l’eau tiède pendant 15 minutes. S’il existe une brûlure étendue une hospitalisation en urgence est nécessaire.
 En cas d’ingestion accidentelle, si le sujet est conscient, tenter de le faire vomir; alerter le médecin et organiser un transfert vers un milieu hospitalier.
 En cas d’inhalation accidentelle, une hospitalisation pour traitement éventuel et surveillance est nécessaire.

Pour les composés insolubles du baryum:

 L’affectation de sujets atteints de pathologies pulmonaires sera discutée en fonction de leur état et du niveau d’exposition prévisible.
 Une radiographie pulmonaire à l’embauche est nécessaire, sa réalisation périodique par la suite est laissée à l’appréciation du médecin du travail.

Le baryum peut être dosé dans le plasma ou dans les urines, dans tous les cas en fin de poste. Il existe cependant de larges variations individuelles. Chez des sujets non professionnellement exposés, on retrouve 0,2 µg/100ml dans le sang total (écarts: 0,047 à 0,24), 2,7µg/l dans l’urine (0,25 à 5,7). Il est nécessaire d’éviter toute contamination du tube de prélèvement.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

global recession ahead

Top bosses fear global recession

By Tim Weber

Business editor, BBC News website, Davos

A global recession has now become the biggest threat to companies, according to a global survey of top chief executives.

Business confidence is also falling for the first time in five years, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers' survey.

The corporate gloom, however, is limited to bosses in the United States and Western Europe.

In Asia business confidence is soaring, with 90% of Indian bosses saying they are "very confident".

While confidence numbers are down overall, half of all chief executives still claim to be "very confident" about their company's future. That is twice the level of 2003, the last time confidence levels were falling.

However, the survey of 1,150 top bosses in 50 countries does not yet take account of the most recent stock market turmoil, as it was conducted during the last three month of 2007.

Rampant Asia, bedraggled USA

The survey, presented on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, suggests sharp differences in corporate fortunes.

“ The possibility that a downturn could worsen into recession looms large in established economies like the US and Western Europe ”

Samuel DiPiazza, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Speaking of a "tale of two worlds", Samuel DiPiazza, the global chief executive of accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, said "the credit crunch and the slowdown in the Western economies have created a clear split in confidence levels of CEOs around the world".

Bosses in emerging economies believe that they are still for rapid expansion.

While Indian bosses may be the most confident, their Russian and Chinese peers are catching up.

In China, 73% of chief executives are very confident their firms will grow over the next 12 months, up from last year's 60%; Russia registers a real leap of confidence, up from 35% to 73%.

This is in stark contrast to bosses in Western Europe, with 44% expecting their companies to grow (a drop of 8 percentage points), and especially the United States, where only 36% are very confident - a drop of 18 points from 54%.

Faring worst are Italian executives. Just 19% believe in their firm's growth prospects, down from 52% one year ago.

"The possibility that a downturn could worsen into recession looms large for [chief executives] in established economies like the US and Western Europe," said Mr DiPiazza.

The one exception is Germany, where 57% of top managers feel very confident. Mr Di Piazza speculated that Germany's strong export industry had helped to sustain corporate fortunes.

Corporate threats

While recession fears have jumped to the top of the list of potential corporate problems, the old perennial "fear of over-regulation" still makes it into the top three.

Bosses are also concerned whether they will be able to recruit and keep the best people to run their business. Human resource experts speak of a "war for talent", and two-thirds of all business leaders say that dealing with people issues is the best use of their time.

Climate change - last year's hot topic in Davos - has dropped sharply in the list of corporate threats. Having said that, 80% of executives surveyed said governments should act to reduce emissions, which sits uneasily with their complaints about over-regulation.

Published: 2008/01/22 18:02:49 GMT


Tuesday, 15 January 2008

chemtrail italia

Legislatura 15 Atto di Sindacato Ispettivo n° 4-00053

Versione per la stampa

Mostra rif. normativi

Atto n. 4-00053

Pubblicato il 13 giugno 2006

Seduta n. 8

NIEDDU - Ai Ministri dell’ambiente e della tutela del territorio, della difesa, della salute e dei trasporti. - Premesso che: sono rilevabili a quote diverse nel nostro spazio aereo scie persistenti di natura non determinata, denominate dagli organi di stampa e da associazioni specializzate con il termine di chemtrails;

in particolare negli ultimi mesi sui cieli della Sardegna, specialmente nelle giornate limpide, sono state notate da parte della popolazione residente, creando una forte preoccupazione ed apprensione, scie conseguenti ad un intenso traffico di aerei non identificati i quali percorrono rotte non convenzionali;

tali scie intersecandosi tra loro generano una sorta di reticolato, non si dissipano subito, come accade normalmente, ma sfaldandosi si allargano e lentamente si espandono formando un manto nuvoloso che interessa un’area molto vasta;

ambienti scientifici internazionali avvalorerebbero la
tesi che si tratta di scie contenenti sostanze nocive per la salute dei cittadini; alcuni studiosi sostengono, peraltro, che tutto ciò sarebbe l’effetto di specifiche sperimentazioni per verificare o provocare mutamenti climatici, altri ancora pensano a possibili utilizzi militari, per la presenza consistente, nelle zone sottoposte a monitoraggio, di
silicio e materiali di altra natura, l’interrogante chiede di sapere:

se il fenomeno sia oggetto di rilevazione o di studio per la parte di competenza di ciascun dicastero;

se i Ministri in indirizzo interessati siano già in possesso di dati o ipotesi che possano in qualche modo far luce sul fenomeno;

se si ritenga opportuno fornire spiegazioni sulle conseguenze che le scie chimiche rilasciate dagli aerei possano avere sulla salute dei cittadini, nonché chiarire se negli ultimi mesi siano stati autorizzati piani di volo sulla regione Sardegna per scopi riconducibili alla materia in oggetto.

le siècle américain prend fin


2008 marquera la fin de 94 ans de suprématie
économique US

En 2008, le Produit national brut par habitant du Royaume-Uni repassera devant celui des États-Unis, pour la première fois depuis la Première Guerre mondiale, indique le prestigieux centre de prévision Oxford Economics. La France et l’Allemagne devraient rapidement suivre le même mouvement.
Ces chiffres ne sont pas représentatifs du niveau de vie respectif des habitants, car ils ne tiennent pas compte du coût de la vie dans chaque pays. Mais ils montrent qu’à partir de cette année, le centre économique de l’Occident ne sera plus les États-unis comme au cours des 94 dernières années, mais reviendra en Europe.
Les commentateurs britanniques interprètent ces chiffres en louant le redressement économique de leur pays entrepris par John Major et Tony Blair, caractérisé par une livre forte face à l’euro et au dollar. Mais il serait plus juste d’observer que le redressement est général en Europe, tandis que le ralentissement de la croissance US semble inexorable.
Ces résultats doivent aussi être replacés dans leur contexte. De manière trompeuse, le calcul du Produit national brut prend en compte les « produits financiers », qui n’ont de « produits » que le nom, car ils ne correspondent à aucun bien tangible.
Il semble que le mouvement auquel on assiste s’explique aussi par la volonté de la finance anglo-saxonne de rapatrier ses avoirs à la City (voire à Paris et à Berlin) et de laisser ses dettes à New York, abandonnant le « nouveau continent » en pleine crise économique, comme on quitte un navire en péril.
En définitive, les efforts des États-Unis de sauver leur économie en lançant des guerres coloniales en Afghanistan et en Irak auront accéléré leur déclin au lieu de l’enrayer. À l’inverse, il aura fallu près d’un siècle aux Européens pour se remettre des déchirements de la longue Guerre mondiale.

Tableau : Produit national brut par habitant, en
dollars constants

Royaume-Uni États-Unis Allemagne France

1993 16,796 25,612 25,093 22,724
1998 24,521 31,707 26,663 24,625
2003 30,686 37,779 29,696 29,244
2007 45,566 45,935 40,432 40,484
2008 48,062 47,427 44,199 44,333

Monday, 14 January 2008

japanese mp fujita questions 911 official truth


Transcript Of Japanese Parliament’s 911 Testimony

From Benjamin Fulford


Below is a transcript of testimony in the Japanese Parliament that was broadcast live nationwide on NHK television. The Member of Parliament talking about 911 is Yukihisa Fujita from the Democratic Party of Japan. After the testimony Mr. Fujita says he got lots of phone calls from other members of Parliament thanking him for having the bravery to bring up 911 in Parliament. He also got one death threat.
Meanwhile, I asked the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan to invite him for a press conference. Each of several attempts to send an e-mail to the FCCJ about this resulting in my hotmail account freezing and my computer crashing. Also, it was amazing to watch the shameless verbal acrobatics of American corporate journalists trying to prevent this press conference from taking place. Fortunately, journalists from the rest of the world supported a press conference and we will try to get it to take place as soon as possible.

The secret government’s control of Japan is falling apart. A few weeks ago one of Japan’s leading commercial TV networks also broadcast a 911 truth program during prime time. One other national network and several local networks have also broadcast such programs.
The people of Japan do not want to finance genocidal
mass murderers any more///
Head of the committee: We will now begin the first session of the defense and foreign affairs committee.

We will now start discussing the special anti-terror
law. .We now call on Mr. Yukihisa Fujita

Fujita standing in front of microphone: .

This will be the last televised broadcast of this committee for so I would like to talk about the origin of the war on terrorism which was the attacks of 911. On September 11 of 2002 I went to a theater house for a charity concert to help build a school in Afghanistan. They chose to have the charity concert on that day as a gesture of respect for the dead. Normally 911 commemorative events are for the people who died in New York but the people who held this event decided that more innocent people died as a result of 911 in Afghanistan than in New York. So they built a grade school near where the statue of Buddha was destroyed in Bamiyan. The name of the school is « the school of hope. » They also lit candles to commemorate the dead both in Afghanistan and in New York in the year 2002, one year after the attacks. So, when discussing these anti-terror laws we should ask ourselves, what was 911, what is terrorism? So today, I would like to talk about the beginning of the war on terror.
So, I would like to ask the people who call this law an anti-terror law to realize that the biggest victim of the war on terrorism has been Afghanistan so I believe helping the people of Afghanistan should be our biggest priority. I would like to ask Mr. Inuzuka about this.

Tadashi Inuzuka walking to the microphone:

As Mr. Fujita says the main purpose of this law is to provide peace and security to Afghanistan. And, as he says, the biggest sufferers have been the people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has 1.7 times the land area of Japan and 20 some million people live there. Also, because of a drought on the Eurasian continent close to 5 million have died due to water shortages. Even now 1 million people live close to the main battlegrounds. So, the main purpose is to provide stability to those war zones so in that context what should Japan do? However, instead of providing support by providing fuel to the U.S. forces we at the Democratic Party have decided that providing water is more important. The philosophy behind our anti-terror law is to get the ruling party to help deal with this problem.

Head of the committee: Mr. Fujita

Mr. Fujita:

I would like to talk about the origins of this war on terrorism. You may recall that in November I asked you if terrorism was war or if it was a crime. And the whole start of this war on terrorism was 911. What I want to know is if this event was caused by Al Qaeda or not. So far the only thing the government has said is that we think it was caused by Al Qaeda because President Bush told us so. We have not seen any real proof that it was Al Qaeda. I would like to know why the Prime Minister thinks it was the Taliban who was responsible for 911. Committee Chief, I want to ask the Prime Minister because he was chief cabinet officer at the time.

Prime Minister Fukuda:

Since the attacks we have communicated with the U.S. government and other governments at different levels and exchanged information. According to secret information obtained by our government and reports put together by foreign governments the 911 attacks were carried out by the international terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda.

Mr. Fujita:

So, you are talking about both secret and disclosed information. My question is has the Japanese government carried out its own investigation using the police and other resources? It is a crime so surely an investigation needs to be carried out. When a Japanese journalist was shot in Myanmar you carried out an investigation. In the same way over 20 Japanese people died on 911 so surely the government carried out its own investigation and decided that Al Qaeda was responsible. So, what kind of investigation did you carry out? At the time you were Chief Cabinet Secretary so surely you would know better than anybody so I want to ask you about your investigation.

Prime Minister Fukuda:

After the 911 attacks the National Police Agency sent an emergency anti-terror team to New York. They met with U.S. government officials and gathered information about missing Japanese.

Mr. Fujita:

So you are saying over 20 people died as a result of a crime and most of those people were working in New York. Also there were some Japanese who died in the four airplanes that were hijacked. I would like to know exactly how many people died in the buildings and how many died in the airplanes. I also want to know how you confirmed this. I would like the Foreign Minister to answer for me.

Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura standing at right in front of microphone:

We found the bodies of over a dozen Japanese following the simultaneous terror attacks carried out on September 11 2001. We were also informed about the death of 11 more people by the U.S. authorities. In total 24 Japanese died in those attacks. Of those 2 were in the airplanes.

Mr. Fujita:

I would like to ask what flights the two Japanese who died in the airplanes were on and how you determined who they were. If the foreign minister does not know it is OK to get a bureaucrat to answer:

Foreign Ministry division chief Ryoji Tanizaki:

Since this a question of fact, I will answer. As the Foreign Minister said, of the 24 people who died two were on the airplanes. One of them was on United Flight 93 and the other was on American airlines flight 11.As for how we know this, well I do not have the information in front of me but we were told by U.S. authorities and, in general, they use DNA testing. So we believe that is how we know about those two people.

Mr. Fujita:

So you are saying you do not know because you do not have the documents. Also, you say you believe there was DNA testing but you do not know. So what I want to say today is that this was a crime and crimes are supposed to be investigated. So the government needs to inform the victims families of the results of their investigation. Also, instead of just observing the anniversary of 911 every year you must be gathering information and reacting to it. So, during the past six years have you been supplying the families of the deceased with information? I would like to ask the Foreign Minister to answer.

Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura:

So you do not want to ask any more about how we confirmed the deaths of Japanese but want to know about reports to the victims families? We provided the families with information about the bodies and about compensation funds. Also, for the 13 Japanese whose remains we found, we helped the families deal with the bodies. We also financial support visits to the World Trade Center site for the families on every anniversary.

Mr. Fujita:

Since I do not have much time I would like to ask about the suspicious information being uncovered and the doubts people world wide are having about the events of 911. Many of these doubters are very influential people. In such circumstances I believe the Japanese government, which claims the attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda, should be providing the victims families with this new information. In that context I would like to ask several questions.
First of all I would like to get all members of the committee to look at this panel and look at the pictures I have provided you with. This is concrete evidence in the form of photographs and other types of information. The first photograph has computer graphics attached to show how large the plane that hit the Pentagon was. A 757 is quite a large airplane with a width of 38 meters. So as you can see even though such a large plane hit the pentagon there is only a hole that is too small for the airplane. This is a photograph taken of firemen at work and you can also see there is no damage of the sort an airplane that large should make. I would also like you to look at the lawn in front and notice that there are no airplane parts on it. Let us now look at the third picture, which is also of the pentagon taken from a U.S. TV news report has captions that show the roof of the Pentagon is still intact. Again even though a huge airplane is supposed to have hit, there is not enough corresponding damage. Now let us move to the next photograph. Here is a photograph of a hole, as Minister Komura knows the Pentagon is a very strong building with many walls. Yet the airplane has pierced them. But as you know, airplanes are made of the lightest possible material. An airplane made of such light material could not make a hole like that. Next I would like to show a photograph of how the airplane hit the building. The airplane made a U-turn, avoiding the Defense Secretary’s office and hitting the only part of the Pentagon that had been specially reinforced to withstand a bomb attack.
Also, in the middle of page five we have a comment from a U.S. airforce official. He says I have flown the two types of airplane used on 911 and I cannot believe it would be possible for someone who is flying one for the first time to be able to carry out such a maneuver. Also, as you know, they have not recovered the flight recorders from most of these 4 airplanes. Also, there were more than 80 security cameras at the Pentagon but they have refused to release almost all of the footage. In any case, as you have just seen there is no picture of the airplane or of its wreckage in any of these photographs. It is very strange that no such pictures have been shown to us.
As you know Japan’s self-defense forces have their headquarters in Ichigaya. Can you imagine if an airplane hit a major city, if an hour and a half after an airplane hit New York that an airplane could hit the Pentagon? In such a situation how could our allies allow such an attack to take place. I would like the Defense Minister to answer this.

Defense Minister Fuyushiba Ishiba:

I have not prepared so I will have to answer ad-lib. If such a situation took place then the airforce would send fighters up to shoot down any airplanes. This is what happened with an attack on the German constitutional court. In the case of Japan our reaction would depend on what kind of airplane it was, who was flying it and what their purpose was. However, according to our laws it might be hard to order an airplane to be shot down just because it was flying at a low level. We would probably have self-defense forces fly with it and ask for a cabinet decision. Since an airplane would have many people on board we would have do discuss what to do. This happened a long time ago but a Cesna airplane was flown into the house of a person called Yoshio Kodama. There was also an All Japan Airways flight bound for Hakodate that was hijacked and had the pilot killed. It would be best if such a thing never happened but we need to prepare new laws for such situations and discuss them in Parliament.

Mr. Fujita:

Since we are running out of time I would like to present a new piece of evidence. Please look at this panel. The first picture is one you see often of the two towers that were hit by hijacked airplanes. I could understand if this happened right after the airplanes hit but here we can see large piece of material flying a large distance through the air. Some flew 150 meters. You can objects flying in this picture as if there was an explosion. Here is a picture I took from a book. This lets you see how far the objects flew. The third picture is of a fireman who was involved in the rescue talking about a series of explosions in the building that sounded like a professional demolition. We cannot present video today so I have written a translation of what the fireman said. Here his is saying « it went boom boom boom like explosions were going off. »
Here is something said by a Japanese research team of officials from the fire department and the construction ministry. The interviewed a Japanese survivor who said that while she was fleeing there were explosions. This testimony appears in a report prepared with the aid of the construction ministry and the fire department. Now I would like you to see the following picture. Normally it is said that the twin towers collapsed because they were hit by airplanes. However, one block away from the twin towers is building number 7. It can be seen in the following map a block away from the WTC. This building collapsed 7 hours after the WTC buildings were attacked. If I could show you a video it would be easy to understand but take a look at this photograph. This is a 47 story building that fell in this manner (He drops and object to demonstrate). The building falls in five or six seconds. It is about the same speed as an object would fall in a vacuum. This building falls like something you would see in a Kabuki show. Also if falls while keeping its shape. Remember it was not hit by an airplane. You have to ask yourself if a building could fall in that manner due to a fire after 7 hours. Here we have a copy of the 911 commission report. This is a report put out by the U.S. government in July of 2004 but this report does not mention the collapse of the building I just described. It is not mentioned at all in here (he waves the book). FEMA also issued a report but they also fail to mention this building. Many people believe, especially after seeing the story about building number 7, that something is strange. Since this is an incident where many people died people think is should be investigated.
We are running out of time but I would also like to mention the put options. Just before the 911 attacks, ie on September 6th, 7th and 8th there were put options put out on the stocks of the two airlines United and American that were hit by hijackers. There were also put options on Merril Lynch, one of the biggest WTC tenants. In other words somebody had insider information and made a fortune selling put options of these stocks. The head of Germany’s Bundesbank at the time, who is equivalent to the Governor of the Bank of Japan, said there are lots of facts to prove the people involved in the terror attacks profited from insider information. He said there was lots of suspicious trading involving financial companies etc prior to the attacks. The had of the Bundesbank was willing to say this much. I would like to ask the Finance Minster about these put options. Did the government of Japan know about this, and what do you think about this? I would like to ask Finance Minister Nukaga about this.

Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga:

I was in Burkina Fasso in Africa when I heard about this incident. I decided to fly immediately to the U.S. but when I got to Paris I was told there were no flights to America. So I only heard what was reported later about the facts. I know there have been reports about the points you raise. So we made it obligatory that people provide ID for securities transactions and for suspicious transactions to be reported and we made it a crime to provide money to terrorist organizations. We believe the international financial system should not be abused. In any case, terrorism is a horrible thing and must be condemned. This type of terrorism cannot be stopped by one country but needs to be stopped by international society.

Mr. Fujita:

I would like to ask finance specialist Mr. Asao to tell me about put options. A group of people with large amounts of money, clear insider information and financial expertise would have been necessary for such a thing to take place. Could a few terrorists in Afghanistand and Pakistan carry out such a sophisticated and large scale set of transactions? I would like to ask Mr. Asao to respond.

Keiichiro Asao:

I understand put options are a deal to sell stocks at a fixed price. In this case somebody must have had insider information to carry out such transactions because nobody could normally predict these airlines would have their planes hijacked. So, I believe this was certainly a case of insider trading.

Mr. Fujita:

Prime Minister, you were Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time and as somebody has already noted, this was an incident of the sort that humanity had never previously experienced. Also, there appears to be a lot more information about this incident coming out now than came out in the months after the attacks. Now that we are an internet and visual society, this information is being made public so if we look at the situation now, the whole starting point for these two laws , the start of the war on terror itself, as you have seen from the information I have presented, has not been properly investigated or analyzed. So I do not believe the government has acted properly by investigating this incident or asking the U.S. government for an explanation. So far we have not started refueling U.S. ships yet so I think we need to go back to the beginning and not just simply and blindly trust the U.S. government explanation and indirect information provided by them. There were too many victims so I think we need to start again from the beginning. We need to ask who the real victims of this war on terrorism are. I think the citizens of the world are its victims. Here in Japan we have disappearing pensions and disappearing records about victims of Hepatitis C contaminated blood but everything I have presented on facts and confirmable evidence. Let us talk about the vanishing black boxes, vanishing airplanes and vanishing remains. Also lots of the remains of these buildings have disappeared. Even FEMA says that prevented it from carrying out a proper investigation. We need to look at this evidence and ask ourselves what the war on terrorism really is. I can see the ministers nodding in agreement but I would like to ask Prime Minister Fukuda. Please look at me. I have heard that when you were Chief Cabinet Minister at the time you felt many strange things about these attacks. Do you not think it was strange?

Prime Minister Fukuda:

I never said I thought it was strange.

Mr. Fujita:

Prime Minister what about the origin of the war on terror and the idea of whether it is right or wrong to participate in it? Is there really a reason to participate in this war on terror? Do we really need to participate? I would also like to ask about how to really stop terrorism.

Prime Minister Fukuda:

We believe based on evidence provided to us by the U.S. government that the attacks of 911 were carried out by Al Qaeda. We need to put an end to Al Qaeda terrorism. That is why international society is united in the fight against terrorism. Here, concerning a law passed by the Democratic Party last year and based on UN resolution 16595. This is a resolution passed in response to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. So you passed the law agreeing with the UN didn’t you?

Mr Fujita:

Did you confirm about the bodies and the facts behind the resolution because that is why you claim to be participating in this war on terrorism. So I believe to end terrorism we need to pass a law that actually helps the people of Afghanistan. I would like Mr. Inuzuka to talk about the law and about the fight against terrorism.

Tadashi Inuzuka:

Among the many problems raised by MP Fujita the thing we need to worry most about is that the people in Afghanistan can live in peace and without worries. That is the core of the issue of ending terrorism. Without discussing this but just operating behind the back lines by supplying oil and not thinking about the entire situation or the people involved it is nonsense to debate this law. This law should be made for peace and security in Afghanistan. Our country needs to pass a real anti-terror law.

eu biofuels policy running dry

EU rethinks biofuels guidelines

By Roger Harrabin

Environment Analyst, BBC News

Europe’s environment chief has admitted that the EU did not foresee the problems raised by its policy to get 10% of Europe’s road fuels from plants. Recent reports have warned of rising food prices and rainforest destruction from increased biofuel production.
The EU has promised new guidelines to ensure that its target is not damaging.
EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said it would be better to miss the target than achieve it by harming the poor or damaging the environment.
Clampdown promised
A couple of years ago biofuels looked like the perfect get-out-of-jail free card for car manufacturers under pressure to cut carbon emissions.
Instead of just revolutionising car design they could reduce transport pollution overall if drivers used more fuel from plants which would have soaked up CO2 while they were growing.

The EU leapt at the idea - and set its biofuels targets.

Since then reports have warned that some biofuels barely cut emissions at all - and others can lead to rainforest destruction, drive up food prices, or prompt rich firms to drive poor people off their land to convert it to fuel crops.
« We have seen that the environmental problems caused by biofuels and also the social problems are bigger than we thought they were. So we have to move very carefully, » Mr Dimas told the BBC.
« We have to have criteria for sustainability, including social and environmental issues, because there are some benefits from biofuels. »

He said the EU would introduce a certification scheme for biofuels and promised a clampdown on biodiesel from palm oil which is leading to forest destruction in Indonesia.
Some analysts doubt that « sustainable » palm oil exists because any palm oil used for fuel simply swells the demand for the product oil on the global market which is mainly governed by food firms.
US expansion
Mr Dimas said it was vital for the EU’s rules to prevent the loss of biodiversity which he described as the other great problem for the planet, along with climate change.
On Monday, the Royal Society, the UK’s academy of science, is publishing a major review of biofuels. It is expected to call on the EU to make sure its guidelines guarantee that all biofuels in Europe genuinely save carbon emissions.
In the US the government has just passed a new energy bill mandating a major increase in fuel from corn, which is deemed by some analysts to be useless in combating rising carbon dioxide emissions.
The bill also foresees a huge expansion in fuel from woody plants but the technology for this is not yet proven.

Published: 2008/01/14 00:49:29 GMT

Friday, 4 January 2008

abc shouldn't be the first primary

Kucinich files complaint on ABC debate

source AP

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer 23 minutes ago

NEW YORK - Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich filed a complaint with the FCC on Friday after ABC News excluded him, fellow Democrat Mike Gravel and Republican Duncan Hunter from its prime-time debates on Saturday.
Kucinich argued that ABC is violating equal-time provisions by keeping him out of the debate and noted that ABC’s parent Walt Disney Co. had contributed to campaigns involving the four Democrats who were invited.
« ABC should not be the first primary, » the Ohio congressman said in papers filed at the Federal Communications Commission.
ABC said the candidates left out of the debates failed to meet benchmarks for their support that were outlined to each campaign prior to the Iowa caucus. Kucinich did not complain about these rules ahead of time, said spokeswoman Cathie Levine, who had no further comment since she hasn’t seen the FCC filing.
ABC said it hoped to encourage more conversation and interaction among the candidates during the debates, which will both be moderated by Charles Gibson. The stakes are high as candidates take the stage three days before the New Hampshire primary.
The Republican debate will include Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. It starts at 7 p.m. EST.
Shortly after that 90-minute forum, Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Bill Richardson will take the stage at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.
The network set rules to narrow the field. Candidates had to meet at least one of three criteria: place first through fourth in Iowa, poll 5 percent or higher in one of the last four major New Hampshire surveys, or poll 5 percent or higher in one of the last four major national surveys.
Democrats Joe Biden and Chris Dodd took some of the pressure off ABC by quitting the race Thursday night.
« In previous debates where the stage was more crowded you had to make sure all of the candidates got fair time, » said David Chalian, ABC News political director. « Here you will have more time to go in depth on the issues. »
ABC said it believed its rules were inclusive, while also ensuring viewers get a thorough look at the probable next president.
« We’re regretful that we’re not going to be in it, » said Roy Tyler, a spokesman for Hunter. « We’re just going to keep working. I think it’s a mistake on their part to exclude any viable candidate at this point. »
Fox News Channel is sponsoring a debate in its mobile studio Sunday that excludes Paul and Hunter. Huckabee, Giuliani, Romney, Thompson and McCain have been invited.
Each debate will be divided into two parts. During the first 45 minutes, Gibson will select three prominent issues to promote a dialogue. The candidates will be seated and encouraged to talk to each other, and not just to the cameras, Gibson said.
« If I have any personal prejudice against these debates, it’s that you see too much of the moderator, » Gibson said. « I want to see less of the moderator and more of the candidates. »
There won’t be any buzzers or lights on the stage to mark time limits for talking, putting the pressure on Gibson to limit filibusters and promote fairness.
The second half of the debate will be a more traditional format, with Gibson and WMUR-TV political director Scott Spradling asking questions on a variety of topics. Candidates will be asked to keep their answers to a minute, Chalian said.
Gibson said he hoped to have a few minutes where both Republican and Democratic candidates are on the same stage, to promote the idea that despite differences, all are Americans hoping for the best for their country. The auditorium will be quickly emptied between debates and a new audience brought in.
Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos will lead ABC’s coverage. Three hours of live debate with both Republican and Democratic candidates represents a grueling on-air test for Gibson, ABC’s chief news anchor.
« I didn’t volunteer, » he said. « It’s something new, it’s something different. I can fail miserably at this and may well do so but we’re looking for some ways to do something different. »

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

sarko chad children chilling...

source waynemadsen

Sarkozy completes mission to free child abductors in Chad;

Suspicions abound in deal

Dec 30, 2007

Sarkozy completes mission to free child abductors in Chad;
Suspicions abound in case

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who WMR previously reported has close links to the Zoe’s Ark (l’Arche de Zoe) group, suspected by French law enforcement and Interpol authorities of being involved in the trafficking of children, finally succeeded in freeing six French members of the group from a Chad prison. The six French citizens were sentenced by a Chad court to eight years of hard labor for attempting to kidnap 103 Chadian children from their families in eastern Chad. Zoe’s Ark falsely claimed the children were war orphans from Darfur, across the Chad border in Sudan.
The French citizens were aided in the attempted kidnapping by a Sudanese intermediary and Chadian accomplices, including local government officials. It is also noteworthy that French military peace keepers in Chad provided logistical support to Zoe’s Ark in Chad. Eric Breteau, the leader of Zoe’s Ark, said the Sarkozy government « knew from the start » its plans to transfer the 103 children from Chad to France.
Just prior to leaving France for a state visit to the United States and while mired in a messy divorce with his wife Cecilia, Sarkozy jetted off to Chad on November 4, 2007, to seek the release of the French Zoe’s Ark members and four Spanish flight attendants and a Belgian pilot. Chad previously released the Spaniards and the Belgian pilot. On November 6, Sarkozy announced that he would seek the release of the French Zoe’s Ark members, who operated under the contrivance of « Children’s Rescue » in Chad, regardless of what crimes they committed. That comment incensed Chadian officials and placed Sarkozy clearly in the camp of not only defending and supporting the later-convicted child traffickers but providing moral support to child traffickers in general.
The six Zoe’s Ark members were transferred upon their arrival at Paris’ Le Bourget Airport to Fresnes Prison, near Paris. They will face a French magistrate who may commute their Chad hard labor sentences to mere prison terms because France does not sentence convicts to hard labor. Sarkozy, as president, has the power to pardon the six Zoe’s Ark members or reduce their prison sentences.
Not only has Zoe’s Ark been linked to Sarkozy and the Elysee Palace but Sarkozy’s Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, has also been connected to Zoe’s Ark. Kouchner who founded the humanitarian groups Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World, reportedly knew of Quai d’Orsay (French Foreign Ministry) classified reports on the illegal activities of Zoe’s Ark but failed to take appropriate action. Zoe’s Ark has also been linked to the extraction of children from Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia following the devastating tsunami on December 26, 2004 and the adoption of Cambodian orphans.
The Cambodian connection is significant. WMR previously reported on the involvement of top U.S. diplomats in Southeast and South Asia in the trafficking of children for prostitution. Cambodian orphanages have been repeatedly preyed upon by the traffickers who offer lucrative financial support to the orphanages in return for a « wink and a nod » to dubious activities involving orphans.
In one case, a Cambodian orphanage had its funds cut off after the director complained about young boys being invited to « parties » where alcohol was served and pornographic videos were played. The orphanage’s close proximity to Phnom Penh International Airport made it a popular stop for traveling VIP pedophiles who were able to transit Cambodia without clearing immigration or customs, thus not leaving a travel record.
The funders of the particular orphanage who cut off their philanthropic support to the orphanage have close ties with top members of the Bush administration, including Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and U.S. ambassador to Thailand Ralph « Skip » Boyce. It was Boyce who arranged for John Mark Karr’s hasty departure from Bangkok after his arrest on sex charges unrelated to the Jon Benet Ramsey case.
The Ramsey story was concocted by the CIA station chief in Bangkok to pressure Thai authorities to quickly release Karr who was then flown to the United States in business class on Thai International Airways.
Until October 2004, Boyce served as US ambassador to Indonesia, where there were reports that children used as prostitutes by VIPs were subsequently murdered to silence any potential witnesses. A reliable American source in Jakarta told WMR that caves containing the skeletal remains of children have been discovered in Bali.
The reactions of the CIA station chief in Bangkok and Boyce to Karr’s arrest were very similar to Sarkozy’s reaction to the arrest of the Zoe’s Ark members in Chad. Both appeared to be an exercise in high-level damage control in order to protect a much larger and darker secret.
Although Sarkozy likes to brag that he has most French journalists « in his briefcase » (a result of the conglomeration of the French media by tycoons allied to Sarkozy), some French media outlets have reported on the close relationship between Zoe’s Ark’s number two leader, Stephanie Dhainault-Lefebvre, of Paris Biotech Sante, a semi-public medical research firm, and Dr. Francois Sarkozy, a pediatrician who is also a director of Paris Biotech Sante. Francois Sarkozy is the brother of Nicolas Sarkozy. Francois Sarkozy is involved in the testing of bio-pharmaceuticals on human subjects. AIDS- and cancer-treating pharmaceuticals are of particular interest to Francois Sarkozy and Paris Biotech Sante.
The possibility that Sarkozy, who has infuriated African leaders with his racist rhetoric, may have been providing cover for the use of African child test subjects by his brother’s Big Pharma friends cannot be ruled out.
Sarkozy, on his first tour of Africa after being elected President, decided to launch into a racist diatribe in Dakar, Senegal. In a speech, Sarkozy said « the African man has not sufficiently become part of history. » He said the African peasant cannot conceive of « human adventure [nor] the idea of progress. » The Senegalese students at Cheik Anta Diop University were shocked and disgusted by Sarkozy’s racist rant. Sarkozy’s feelings about black Africans were quickly transmitted through the continent.
During 2005 riots by young Muslims in Paris, Sarkozy, then the Interior Minister, called the Muslim youth racaille, the French word for « scum. »
Many Africans, particularly Muslims, are wary of Sarkozy’s Jewish connections, both in France and in Israel. In late November 2007, Algerian Veterans Affairs Minister Mohammed Cherif Abbes cited these suspicions among Muslim Africans when he stated, prior to Sarkozy’s visit to Algiers, that it should not be forgotten that Sarkozy’s mother is of « Greek Sepharic Jewish descent » and that the « Jewish Lobby » elected Sarkozy president. Abbes also said Sarkozy’s selection of Socialist leader Bernard Kouchner as his Foreign Minister in a conservative government resulted from « the advice of the real architects of Sarkozy’s rise to power, the Jewish lobby which has the monopoly over industry in France. » Kouchner’s father is Jewish.
At about the same time Abbes leveled his charges against Sarkozy, Le Figaro reported that Sarkozy had allegedly been a longtime « sayan » (collaborator) of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad. Le Figaro reported that French police had been investigating an e-mail sent to some 100 top French civil servants during the presidential election campaign that described Sarkozy’s work for the Mossad since 1983. Several of Sarkozy’s top Jewish supporters were also named in the e-mail as Mossad agents.
The possible use of Chadian children, all Muslims, as « guinea pigs » for French medical tests and pharmaceutical experimentation involving Sarkozy’s brother has done little to improve Sarkozy’s image in Africa. And Sarkozy’s close links to the United States has resulted in deeper suspicions about America’s military foray, through the auspices of the Pentagon’s Africa Command (AFRICOM), into the continent.
Africans are rightly suspicious of Western medical interests. Africans in Chad, Nigeria, and Burkina Faso have boycotted Western-administered polio vaccines fearing a plot by Western interests against African people. In March 2000, a cancer researcher at South Africa’s Witwatersrand University was fied after administering dangerously high chemotherapy dosages to unsuspecting black breast cancer patients. Doctors in Zimbabwe and Zambia have been convicted for administering lethal doses of morphine and potassium to black patients. And the South African and Rhodesian governments routinely subjected blacks to chemical and biological weapons, including anthrax. South Africa’s secret Project Coast oversaw the administering of injecting over 200 black South Africans and Namibians with lethal poisons. Much of apartheid South Africa’s bio-war weapons and research files were transferred to the U.S. Army’s biological warfare research center in Fort Detrick, Maryland.
In addition, Sarkozy, Kouchner, and the new International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the one-time Socialist rival to Segolene Royal for the presidential nomination, who is also Jewish, and whose bid to head the IMF was supported by Sarkozy, have all cozied up to Rwanda’s dictator Paul Kagame, a darling of the Holocaust Museum sponsors in Washington. Kagame has made a name for himself claiming he and Rwanda’s Tutsis were the victims of a genocide involving French and Belgian interests.
Sarkozy and Kouchner have already discounted Kagame’s role in the 1994 shooting down of the Rwandan presidential aircraft, an incident that triggered the Rwandan genocide. French counter-terrorism Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere’s extensive report on the role of Kagame and his American covert sponsors in the attack has been largely retracted by the Sarkozy government. This editor, whose book « Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 » concluded that Kagame and the United States was involved in the aerial assassinations of the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, testified before Bruguiere’s judicial panel in Paris about the American role in the double assassination.